You might want to have a look on this script:

  It can search specified directories/file extensions/databases, or deny
search for the same, and many other options.


  Julio Nobrega.

2B||!BB - That's the question.

"Steve Wright" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> Hey,
> I have just developed a simple site search.. .and am after learning how to
> get it to search all directories... at present, it only searches the one
> is in!!
> Here's the code:
> <?
> include("include/");
> $title = "Search";
> include("include/");
> ?>
>     <P>
>         <FORM ACTION="<? echo "$PHP_SELF"; ?>" METHOD="POST">
>         <INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="searchstr" value="<? echo "$searchstr";
>                SIZE="20" MAXLENGTH="30">
>         <INPUT TYPE="submit" VALUE="Search!">
>         </FORM>
>     </P>
>         <?
>         if ( ! empty($searchstr) ) {
>             // empty() is used to check if we've any search string
>             // if we do, call grep and display the results.
>             echo "<HR>\n";
>             // call grep with case-insensitive search mode on all files
>             $cmdstr = "grep -i $searchstr *";
>             $fp = popen( $cmdstr, "r" ); file://open the output of command
> as a  pipe
>             $myresult = array(); // to hold my search results
>             while( $buffer = fgetss ($fp, 4096 )) {
>                 // grep returns in the format
>                 // filename: line
>                 // So, we use split() to split the data
>                 list($fname, $fline) = split(":",$buffer, 2);
>                 // we take only the first hit per file
>                 if ( !defined($myresult[$fname]))
>                     $myresult[$fname] = $fline;
>                 }
>                 // we have results in a hash. lets walk through it and
> it
>                 if ( count($myresult) ){
>                     echo "<OL>\n";
>                     while(list($fname,$fline) = each($myresult))
>                     echo "<LI>
>                    <A HREF=\"$fname\">$fname</A> : $fline </LI>\n";
>                     echo "</OL>\n";
>                 } else {
>                     // no hits
>                     echo "Sorry. Search on <B>$searchstr</B>
>                           returned no results.<BR>\n";
>                 }
>                 pclose($fp);
>             }
>         ?>
> <?
> include("include/");
> ?>
> I think it centers around the line whcich contains but am not definate:
> while( $buffer = fgetss ($fp, 4096 )) {
> Any help much appreciated..
> Steve Wright

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