Allright, even if it's OT ....

Many ways to handle it, first would be to add a function within the
frameset which handles redirects to the frames:

<script language="javascript">
   function handleFrameRedirect ( frame , url ) {
       document.frames[ frame ].document.location.href = url ;

Within the frame you use

<script language="javascript">
   parent.handleFrameRedirect( <framename> , <url> );

Another way is calling this directly within the frame:

<script language="javascript">
   parent.document.frames[ <framename> ].document.location.href = <url> ;

  -- red

Robert Sossomon wrote:

I have two frames (A and main)
When I pull up one page it reloads main with the full page, however what
I need the system to do when I click off that page is to jump to
main.html and load item.html in the top.

Main.html currently loads 2 other pages at the beginning.

I have tried to jump them in this order, but it does not seem to be
//Call the main page
echo '<script language="javascript">parent.main.location.href
//Open the next two pages I need in them
echo '<script language="javascript">parent.B.location.href
echo '<script language="javascript">parent.C.location.href



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