>My server is running on shared server which has support for PHP 4.1.2. I 
>installed mySQL for our shared server. I also installed phpMyAdmin. Both 
>are running properly. But I am facing following problems
>1) If there is any error in the script - It is not getting displayed - 
>screen is becoming blank, so it is becoming very difficult for me to make 
>out any mistake.

Check the php.ini values (or use <?php phpinfo();?> to see what your values
are for error_reporting and error_logging and display_errors.

Your errors may be going into the Apache error log or even some other
separate log where they belong.

If so, your ISP is to be commended for their vigilance and Security focus.

>2) I am trying to send email - but not getting any email. This is the script
>$mailBody = "This is one line \ n This is a second line \n\n this is a 
>third line";

For one thing use \r\n not just \n.


>$boolMail = mail ("[EMAIL PROTECTED]", "Test mail", $mailBody);
>print ("Email has been send ");
>I am getting print statement but not the mail. Any extra settings are 
>required ?

if ($boolMail){
  print "Email has been queued.<BR>\n";
  print "Couldn't even queue email, much less send it!<BR>\n";

Check your sendmail logs to see what's going on.
Also check the sendmail and SMTP settings in php.ini (or <?php phpinfo();?>
and see if they make sense.

Also ask your ISP if PHP (user 'nobody', probably) is even *ALLOWED* to send
email.  Maybe not.  If they were paranoid enough to fix the logging, they
may have dis-allowed PHP to send email.

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I'm looking for a PRO QUALITY two-input sound card supported by Linux (any
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