"Christian Calloway" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> Hi everyone,
> I'm having troubles getting Apache to recognize .php files, and thus parse
> them. I followed the instructions included with the PHP4.1.0 distribution,
> and have PHP loaded as an Apache module, checking my services confirms
> as its description reads "Apache/1.3.22 (Win32) PHP/4.1.0". But when I
> attempt to load a .php file, I will get the entire file, unparsed. I added
> the following two lines to my httpd.conf file:
> LoadModule php4_module C:\Apache.MySQL.PHP\PHP\sapi\php4apache.dll
> AddType application/x-httpd-php .php
> Am I missing something? Thanks,
> Christian

I don't see anything missing, taking a look at my own (working as far as
that goes) config at http://hosting.venura.net/fixme/httpd_conf.txt

Are you sure that you have short_open_tags or the asp style tags enabled in
your php.ini file [if you're using them.] If you don't have them enabled but
are using them in your pages, it'll seem to not work.

The easiest way to check to see if that's the problem, short of checking
php.ini, is to make a quick and dirty test page:

/* >If you can see this, then short_open_tags = off. Of course, if phpinfo()
is displayed above, this should be fairly obvious <*/
/* >If you can see this, then asp_style_tags = off. Of course, if phpinfo()
is displayed above, this should be fairly obvious <*/

Daniel Grace

"No ASP, ever."
- from the venura.net announcement of hosting.venura.net's hosting services.

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