hi sid,

this is often discussed here.
if you use your local installation only for development purposes, you can
set register_globals = on  in php.ini.
but if you want a more secure plattform, leave it off and write you scripts
with $_GET[]. (some additional help:
http://de3.php.net/manual/function.extract.php). so you also don't rely on
register_globals by hosting externally.

ciao SVEN

"Sid" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> schrieb im Newsbeitrag
> Hello,
> I just updated PHP on my local computer from PHP 4.0.2 to 4.3.2 (Yes, I
know, its a very very long time). I also downloded the latest version of
Apache and installed PHP as a module. Now PHP runs fine on the server. I
have a small problem though. Variables being sent via the GET method are not
getting parsed. I can acess these variables via the $_GET["variable"] method
but not through $variable. Any idea why. Most of my old PHP scripts accessed
the variables directly by their name and so this will be a very very big
problem for me. Any idea how I can get this old feature back.
> Thank you.
> - Sid

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