mmmh... i think your problem isn't in mkdir, it is in evil MAGIC QUOTES!
(they are on by default)

if you are getting the name of the directory from GET, POST or COOKIE, check
the get_magic_quotes_gpc(), else check  get_magic_quotes_runtime(), if the
problem is in  get_magic_quotes_runtime(), you can do
set_magic_quotes_runtime(0) beforegetting the directory name, so it won't be
quoted, but if the problem is in  get_magic_quotes_gpc(), you will have to
do something like:

if(get_magic_quotes_gpc()) stripslashes($dirname);


"Brian J. Celenza" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> escribió en el mensaje
> I'm having a problem using the mkdir() function under windows when the
> directory containts a special character. For instance, the directory
> "Someone's Files", a forward slash is added before the 's and the
> returns an error. Is there a way around this?
> Thank you
> Brian

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