well, you could use the win32std extension (found in PECL), connect to the right dll and then you could feed it and get stuff back from it. Exact data on the way to handle the connection would be available via MSDN (msdn.microsoft.com).

when using 4.2.0 <= PHP <= PHP 4.2.3 you could also try the w32api functions. They are documented, as opposed to the win32std functions (which you need to delve into the C-code to find out WHICH functions you have and how to use them).

Hope that helps at least a bit,
- Tul

George E. Papadakis wrote:

Hi all,

Do you know if there is a way, class or anything else that could be used in order to use Microsoft's spell checker with php to spell check text?

Aspell and Pspell are good alternatives, yet  not as good as expected.

Thanks in advance,


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