R wrote:
> Hey Guys,
> I thank each and everyone one of you who replied, yeah, i got flamed a
> couple of times from some of you for the "sleep" bit but need i remind you
> that i am a newbie?

You didn't get flamed because you're a newbie, you got flamed
because it appeared you didn't do ANY research at all - you have
a book but didn't seem to read it (I'd guess there's at least a mention
of it there) but more importantly you didn't seem to even hit a basic
search engine.  Search google.com or the php.net site for 'sleep' and 
you'd have gotten exactly what you were looking for. You may have well 
asked if PHP has a way to do something "if" a condition is true.

Abstract issues about arrays are a bit harder to get across in a search 
engine, because you're not looking for syntax but perhaps more a 
tutorial (I'd guess searching for 'php array tutorial' would net you 
exactly what you want though too).

Use search engines first - you're bounch to find exactly what you're 
looking for in a fraction of a time it takes people multiple people to 
read and respond, then for you to get those responses.

Michael Kimsal

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