William Stokes wrote:
> Hello
> I'am creating a web site for a soccer club with about 30 teams. The idea is 
> that there are about 20-30 persons who will update the data on the site via 
> web forms "admin interface".
> I have really hard time to figure out how to do the users right assingment. 
> So far I have user authentication against user name and password in database 
> and a session id created which is sent as a cookie to browser.
> I want to create system that allows a person have rights to update one or 
> several teams in the club. Maybe someone will have access to all teams. I 
> have one table with users info and another with the teams info. I was 

Rather than telling us "maybe..." why don't you do yourself and all of
us a favor and figure out exactly what kinds of rights system you want.
 We can then help you create a system that is as simple / complex as you

A flexible way of handling this issue: you have a "user" table that will
store information about each user.  You also have a "team" table that
stores information about each team.  Then you have a "rights" table that
will associate a particular user with a particular team and indicate
whether that user has admin rights for that team or not.  Of course I'm
no DB expert...

If you have more database questions, please ask those on the php.db
list.  If you have PHP coding questions though ("I am having trouble
building my checkboxes, here is what I tried", etc.) feel free to ask
those questions on this list.

Teach a man to fish...

NEW? | http://www.catb.org/~esr/faqs/smart-questions.html
STFA | http://marc.theaimsgroup.com/?l=php-general&w=2
STFM | http://php.net/manual/en/index.php
STFW | http://www.google.com/search?q=php

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