Andre wrote:
> Apache 1.3.26
> PHP 4.2.1 staticly built as a module.
> The configuration in php.ini seems not to be used by httpd.
> I've traced my httpd process and it opens the php.ini file in the expected 
> directory, but variables set in there don't take effect (e.g. engine=On, 
> display_errors=Off, etc.).
> I had PHP 4.1.1 running here before, and it used to work, PHP 4.2.1 has been 
> built with exactly the same options that I used to build PHP 4.1.1.
> What could have I missed?

        I have a problem similar to urs but with engine only. I used to set 
engine=off in php.ini and in httpd.conf as per vhost I add the following 
php_flag engine on. Since I upgraded to Apache 2.0.36 and php 4.2.1 it 
breaks the apache and complains that there is type mistake. I changed it 
from php_flag to php_value but no help at all.
        My workaround was to comment the lines in conf.d/php.conf that handle the 
php files through the php module and to add them per vhost and it 
worked. Also I tested the old AddType and it is working too.

Sameh Attia
Senior System Engineer
T.E. Data
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