Hi all,
Since the upgrade to php 4.3 I have several issue with my session handling
and my URL. First of all I currently use the following code :
$chaine = "nav.php";
$url_array = explode("/", $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']) ;

$url = array() ; $stop = true ;
while (list($key, $val) = each($url_array)){
            if ($val == $chaine) $stop = false ;
            if (! $stop) $url[] = $val ;

$i = 0 ;
while (list($key, $val) = each($url)){
            $nom = $url[$i++] ;
            $$nom = $url[$i++] ;

//Then I call my session lib
if (!$SID){
            # . my customized code

this allows me to have my URL in this format :
instead of http://domain.tld/nav.php?page=page1&SID=abc123
Thus,  all my link are in this format : <a

Since the upgrade to version 4.3, all my URL and link are in this format :
As a result the Session ID becomes : abc123?PHPSID=abc123. the server cannot
find variables.related to the current session

I would like NOT to use cookies at all, but at soon as I start a session, a
cookies is sent to the browser.
I tried to change several ini variables (with no result), such as :

Do you have any idea how to force php to write the session information into
the session folder ?
the only way for me to keep my URL "clean" is to activate cookies. but if
cookies are refused by the visitor, the website will be unusable (member
section etc)
I will appreciate any help from you.


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