PHAKT will reduce your development time, but you'll still need to
customize the code. That is, unless your doing something relatively
 You're best bet is to learn the code. That's invaluable.


__________John Monfort_________________
     P E P I E  D E S I G N S
"The world is waiting, are you ready?"

On Wed, 5 Sep 2001, Vicki wrote:

> I'm trying to learn PHP right now for a subscription-based site that
> requires features such as user authentication and e-commerce (with a
> mySQL database) I'm using Dreamweaver 4 on a Mac running OS 9 to build
> the site. I'm wondering if the learning curve would be less steep if I
> upgraded to UltraDev and installed PhAkt. I understand the logic behind
> the code, but am having a hard time learning all the syntax (and I've
> always been a lousy typist). Would UltraDev help?
> Is anybody working with UltraDev and PhAkt now, esp. on a Mac? How's it
> going? Since I can't test locally with my current set-up, I also wonder
> whether I can set up remote connections to my hosting company's servers
> (and whether that's a pain to do) or if just uploading files and testing
> that way is a viable alternative.
> My goal is to get the site up as quickly as possible. Would UD4 + PhAkt
> speed things up?
> Thanks very much for any insight you can provide.
> Vicki
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