
We are about to develop a CMS that uses XML and XSLT.

The XML files contains some static information (header, footers and common
non-dynamic information). We would like to have a XML file that would
contain a field like:


Before the XML file is loaded into the PHP script that uses the xslt_process
routine to convert the XML/XSLT files into plain HTML we would like to
replace the <MENU> field with come dynamic content (eg. some other
variables, etc.)

What's the easiest way to do that? SAX or?

Furthermore the 'xslt_process' function requires the following parameters:

xslt_process (resource xh, string xml, string xsl [, string result [, array
arguments [, array parameters]]])

where the XML and XSLT variables are references to files. - The XML file is
in our example a variable (eg. $current_xml_file = "xxxxx";) and therefor we
cannot use the xslt_process function? Of cause we can store the XML var. in
a temporary location and then read the file, but that's an extreamly ugly
approach! :) Any ideas?

I'm looking forward to your replies :)

Lasse Laursen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> - Systems Developer
NetGroup A/S, St. Kongensgade 40H, DK-1264 København K, Denmark
Phone: +45 3370 1526 - Fax: +45 3313 0066 - Web: www.netgroup.dk

"If it ain't broke, it doesn't have enough features yet." -- laursen
"I have not failed. I've just found 10,000 ways that won't work." --Thomas

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