is there a limit to the number of headers you can use in the mail ( )
function?  it seems as though the data is not being passed from the form
fields to the variables in the headers.  for instance $contact does display in
the resulting html.

see code below.

also, just upgraded to apache 1.3.24, php 4.2.1.  could this be affecting the
results?  thanks.

  $report = trim($report);
  $station = trim($station);
  $date = ($date);
  $time = trim($time);
  $aircraft = trim($aircraft);
  $flight  =trim($flight);
  $tail = trim($tail);
  $gate = trim($gate);
  $captain = trim($captain);
  $first_officer = trim($first_officer);
  $second_officer = trim($second_officer);
  $details = trim($details);
  $solutions = trim($solutions);
  $submitted = trim($submitted);

  $contact = "Mr Foo"; // person to contact for assistance

  $toaddress = "Mr [EMAIL PROTECTED]";  // the default value

  $fromaddress = "From: [EMAIL PROTECTED]";

  $subject = "Report";

  $report_information = "Report Type: ".$report."\n" // all the information
from the report.htm form.
                     ."Station: ".$station."\n"
                     ."Date: ".$date."\n"
                     ."Time: ".$time."\n"
                     ."Aircraft #: ".$aircraft."\n"
                     ."Flight #: ".$flight."\n"
                     ."Tail #: ".$tail."\n"
                     ."Gate #: ".$gate."\n"
                     ."Captain: ".$captain."\n"
                     ."First Officer: ".$first_officer."\n"
                     ."Second Officer: ".$second_officer."\n\n"
                     ."Complete Details of Safety Occurrence: ".$details."\n\n"
                     ."Possible Solutions: ".$solutions."\n\n"
                     ."Submitted by: ".$submitted."\n";

  mail($toaddress, $subject, $report_information, $fromaddress);

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