Hi there!

As I explained yesterday I am developing a group of
pages to let users send mails from them. For that I am
using the mail() function.

The problem I face is that the addresses I write at
the BCC field receive mails twice (not the one at the
To: field, just the ones at the BCC:).

It only happens when I use mail(). Following the
advice of the people on the list I installed
phpmailer. Using it I don't have that problem, it only
happens when I use mail() alone.... And it only
happens with the addresses at BCC.

I've checked the logs of the mail server and I see how
the pages send the RCPT TO so many times... so it's
not a problem of the mail server.

I am using Windows ME with PHP Version 4.3.1. Do you
know if it's a bug of that version?

Also, is there any way to keep track of what PHP is
doing? To make it display on the pages or somewhere
else what on earth is it doing to send those mails
twice.... Thanks..........


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