Forwarded to the list for regex is pretty rusty...


I've got a string full of HTML, and I'd like to highlight specific words in
the text by surrounding it with <span class="highlight"></span> tags. That's
pretty simple:

$strIn = eregi_replace("([^a-z'-])($highlight)([^a-z'-])", "\\1<span
class=\"highlight\">\\2</span>\\3", $strIn);

I gets difficult when I want to exclude any instances of the word that
happen to be within an HTML tag. Otherwise I could end up with <a
class="highlight">highlight</span>/default.htm">, for example, and that's no

The following regex is the closest I've gotten (it's just the previous one
plus another subexpression), but it doesn't match anything at all. It seems
like it should work to me, though:

$strIn = eregi_replace("([^a-z'-])($highlight)([^a-z'-])([^<>]*>)^",
"\\1<span class=\"highlight\">\\2</span>\\3", $strIn);

If any regex-wizzes could help me out with this one, I'd be extra grateful.


* [ www: ] [ icq: 940141 ] [ aim: endquote ]

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