I am using SSH inside one of my PHP pages to run some commands on a remote 
server and return the output web page.  In detail, I'm using SSHing 3 
different times and it is taking a long time for the resulting page to 
load with the output from the remote command.  When running top on my 
webserver, I see the ssh process come up, do its thing, and quit.  The 
weird thing is that there is a 15-20 second wait in between the SSH 
sessions.  My code is not doing anything that should cause it to take this 
long--it's just running these SSH commands back to back.  I've tried using 
system(), passthru(), and backticks, and all yield the same result.  If I 
try to run something other than SSH, there is no delay.  I don't know why 
PHP is taking so long between the processes if clearly the process has 
finished.  I'm running Red Hat Advanced Server 2.1, php-4.1.2, and Apache 
1.3.27.  There is no delay in the SSH commands when run from a shell, only 
through the web page.  Any ideas?



James S. Martin, RHCE
Administrative Office of the United States Courts
Washington, DC
(202) 502-2394

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