until i started using the techniques for avoiding sql injection, i have been
using a normal insert and select sql query which worked fine.

i have a registration page where a user enters their username and if this
already exists i display a message by executing a select query and if the
username does not exist then i run an insert query.

after adopting the technique to avoid sql injection

$username = stripslashes($_POST["username"]);
$email =    stripslashes($_POST["email"]);

$username = $_POST["username"];
$email =    $_POST["email"];


previously my select and insert query were

INSERT INTO individuals(username, email) values('$username', '$email')
Select username from individuals where username = '$username'

presently the insert query is

$insertquery = sprintf("INSERT INTO individuals (username, email) VALUES
('%s', '%s')",
mysql_real_escape_string($username), mysql_real_escape_string($email));

This insert query is working however the select query is not doing its task
as before of checking if the username already exists or not, even if i
register with the same username again it does not alert that the username

the select query is

$selectqueryusername = sprintf("Select username from individuals where
username='%s'", mysql_real_escape_string($username));

should i change the syntax of the above select query or is there something
else in need to do to fix the select query.

please advice.


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