--- Begin Message --- Are you referring to this post:

you just want to see if mail() works try it.

if(mail(...)) echo 'yay!';
else echo 'boo!';

Or this post?

Your SMTP server is the thing that actually transmits the email. On a
Windows XP box like you're using, set the SMTP server to be that of
your ISP and ensure you're dialled-up when you run your PHP scripts! I
don't know if AOL have SMTP services, phone them and ask? Or look on
their web site for instructions on configuring an email client such as
Outlook, whatever they say to use as the outgoing mail server, that's
your SMTP server.

I had questions about both of these, both of which were never answered.

For this first one, I didn't know how to run it. I've only used php in CGI (website stuff) form, and I'm not sure if I needed to run this in CLI or not, and I don't know how to run things  CLI (I'm very new to PHP). Also I didn't know whether I was supposed to insert something where the ... was. I tried putting the script in a php webpage and accessing it via the internet, but all I got was a blank page.

The second one just plain confused me. At first he said I should set my SMTP server to that of my ISP, which is for me a company called Comcast. (Was I supposed to do this in php.ini?) Then he told me to ask AOL if they had SMTP services, which seemed to contradict with his first statement.

Clarification appreciated.


--- End Message ---
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