> Is here anyway to make a variable like $var not the same than
> $HTTP_SESSION_VARS[var], when register_globals=1?. (where 
> $var is in the
> script scope).
> I read in a changelog that this is relatively recent (make 
> $var the same
> than $HTTP_SESSION_VARS[var]).

I'm not sure what was changed. As far as I can see, the global version of
$test and $HTTP_SESSION_VARS["test"] still reference different memory
locations, and they are not the same variable, *while on the current page*.
However, if register_globals is "on", then the global version gets saved to
the session file, and will be in the $HTTP_SESSION_VARS array on the next

$HTTP_SESSION_VARS["test"] = "arrayversion";
echo "global version of test = $test<br>";
echo "sess array version of test = ".$HTTP_SESSION_VARS["test"]."<br>";


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