On line "6", I have the list of musicians in the song.
Example (ignore the quotes): "Doyle Lawson -- lead vocal; Dale Perry -- bass
Is there a way to make it so that, when I include line 6 in my PHP template,
the ";" will be replaced with a line break so I get one musician per line in
the HTML output?

Lines 7 and so on are the lyrics. The text file has one line per line (makes
sense, right?) and a blank line between sections of the song. I have the
script set up to read all the lines from 7 on, but it jumbles them all
together, ignoring the line breaks. Is there a way to script PHP to add the
line breaks, or should the line break HTML just be inserted everywhere
needed in all my separate files?

Have a look at eregi_replace() on http://www.php.net, that should get you
headed in the direction of a solution.



* Texas PHP Developers Conf  Spring 2003            *
* T Bar M Resort & Conference Center                *
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