> Now, this works OK...save for one little problem that I cannot seem to
> figure out. The URL now reads
>    http://TEST20051010/NameOfProcessingScript.php instead of
> FMSRegister.php. 

I kinda' solved this, but not really....it was more of a mental adjustment. 

FMSRegister.php <---- registration form
FMSProc.php     <---- central processing script

If the registration form is incomplete I use cURL to post the data and form
to the user even if the name of the file is not the same. I could call the
central processing script (which acts on application items in a switch
statement) something clever since it is being presented back to the user,
but since this is for an internal application I probably will not bother. It
would be neat if cURL could essentially post an interface back to the
browser....but I do understand the complications. A search has yielded
several who have basically asked the same question as I have though.

Now, I know that this may have some to do with laziness on my part, but it
was mostly an experiment. 

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