I feel pretty sheepish but it always happens to me. I found this note in
the manual and it seems to solve the problem.
So if anyone has this problem.....


User Contributed Notes
08-Jan-2002 06:30 
This is a "gotcha" that "got me" and discusses the
careful use of HTTP/1.1 over HTTP/1.0
I had a script that suffered dreadful performance and return Hex values
amongst the correct data. This was eventually traced to my inclusion of
HTTP/1.1 in the line which read:

-- CODE (watch wrap) --
  $request = "GET $document" . "?" .
"$query" . " HTTP/1.1\r\n";
  $request .= "Host: $myServer\r\n\r\n";
-- CODE --

By sending a HTTP/1.1 request it declares that it is willing to 'speak'
HTTP/1.1, of course, but there are some aspects of HTTP/1.1 that make it
necessary to handle the socket differently from HTTP/1.0. 

In the RFC 2616, Section 3.6 defines:

All HTTP/1.1 applications MUST be able to receive and decode the
"chunked" transfer-coding,

This was the cause of the extraneous HEX values being displayed.

Regards the loss of performance, this is also due to using HTTP/1.1,
defaults to having keepalive on until you tell it to close the
or it times out. Therefore the socket was being kept open by the script.

Simply changing the line in the script to HTTP/1.0 completely fixed the

Speaking with one of the members in PHP-dev his words were:

[Comment from Hartmut Holzgraefe]
"I stumbled over the same 'chunked' problem not to long ago as a rule
of thumb: never use HTTP/1.1 unless you really know that you have to,
claiming to be a HTTP/1.0 client is no problem."

I have posted this as it was something I found very difficult to debug
there is actually nothing wrong with the script. This sort of problem
often requires an in depth knowledge of an area that most developers
not have or consider. I would doubt that many, in any, who are reading
this have ever read the HTTP RFC 2616 (I doubt also that it is a
read :))  I hope this helps any future developers who are considering
use of high level socket connections with HTTP/1.1.

-----Original Message-----
From: Boaz Yahav 
Sent: Friday, March 22, 2002 5:49 PM
To: PHP General (E-mail)
Subject: [PHP] Weird fsockopen behavior


I'm using 

$fp=fsockopen($URL,80, &$errno, &$errstr,10); 

to get the HTML from a remote site and monitor how long it took me to DL
the HTML.

The next lines are like this :

if ($fp) {
        $SendGetStart = getmicrotime();
        fwrite($fp,"GET / HTTP/1.1\r\n");
        fwrite($fp,"Accept: */*\r\n");
        fwrite($fp,"Accept-Language: en-us\r\n");
        fwrite($fp,"Proxy-Connection: Keep-Alive\r\n");
        fwrite($fp,"User-Agent: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.5;
Windows NT 5.0; COM+ 1.0.2204)\r\n");


        While(!feof($fp)) {...............

The weird thing is that it seems the EOF comes in great delay. When I
print the HTML I get from the remote site, the while loop continues for
about 10-15 seconds after the last </HTML> tag arrived. This is for any
site I check so it's not something specific to the web server I'm

Anyone has any idea why?



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