I'm trying to use the fam module from cli-php5 with the example code
http://de2.php.net/manual/en/ref.fam.php. It works, but when I copy a
big file into an observed folder, I get a FAMCreated for the file, and
then, while the copying is still in progress, multiple FAMChanged.

I want to watch a folder and process the files that are either new or
changed. Currently, I would end up processing a new or changed file n
with n depending on the file's size. I'd like to get ONE FAMCreated for
new file AFTER it was completely created and ONE FAMChanged for a file
AFTER a process is done changing it. Is that possible?

Because the stat of the file changes you will get multiple FAMChanged.
You may have to test for a time since last FAMChanged and wait a
suitable amount of time to take any actions on the file.

Also, when I watch i.e. /mnt, FAM doesn't notify me of events in /mnt's
subdirectories, the monitoring seems to be non-recursive. Can I change
this, or will I have to fam_monitor_directory each directory separately?

fam_monitor_directory is non-recursive.

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