Tyler BIRD <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]> scribbled;

> I'm trying to include
> 'http://www.myserver.com/conted/me.inc';
> portably on several mirrored servers like include
> '/conted/me.inc'
> , I was wondering if there was someway I could include
> files and have the implicity connect
> and down the load me.inc from the local server whatever server it
> happens to be on. 
> for example
> on web2 box
> include 'conted/me.inc'; works fine

This example should work on both, as it is a relative path.

Unless you mean you want all the mirrored servers to read off your ONE URL,
then you can include that whole URL (but I think that would defeat the
purpose of mirroring if they all read off main site)

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