Hello Chris,

Tuesday, March 2, 2004, 12:31:18 AM, you wrote:

CS> I have heard from numerous sources that the latest patch for IE 6
CS> (released a week or two ago) has a bug that causes it to have trouble
CS> sending a proper POST request.

CS> I don't have access to a Windows machine to test this myself, but it would
CS> be very nice if someone could help pinpoint what circumstances cause this
CS> behavior (surely it's not all POST requests). Capturing the raw request
CS> from a failed transaction would be a good first step, and you can send me
CS> this for interpretation if you like. I'm happy to help.

I don't believe there are any consistent causes of this problem -
sometimes it just happens. Refreshing the exact same form will, 9
times out of 10, cure it.

However Chris - this might help in your debugging because when IE does
fail, it fails by sending an http header of 0 bytes in size. It's not
just the post form data that is lost, everything is. So trap that and
you should, theoretically, with a little browser detection mojo be
able to at least error gracefully.

Best regards,
 Richard Davey

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