php-general Digest 8 May 2007 11:29:57 -0000 Issue 4779

Topics (messages 254526 through 254544):

Re: CMS Systems
        254526 by: itoctopus

Re: PHP4 and SQLite
        254527 by: Suhas Pharkute

Solution For Undefined Function mysql_connect()
        254528 by: Jason Paschal

How to know a requets from web page or client.
        254529 by: Le Phuoc Canh
        254531 by: Jim Lucas
        254532 by: clive
        254533 by: itoctopus
        254534 by: Le Phuoc Canh

Re: mail() only working with php-cli
        254530 by: Andy B.

        254535 by: Jyoti
        254536 by: Zoltán Németh
        254537 by: Kevin Waterson
        254538 by: itoctopus
        254540 by: Paul Novitski

Image Resize with LibGD
        254539 by: Christian Haensel

Problem to insert the field
        254541 by: uni uni
        254542 by: Zoltán Németh

google translation
        254543 by: Marco Sottana

defining a folder on localhost
        254544 by: blueboy


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--- Begin Message ---
I use wordpress, easy, clean, and lots of plugins.
Joomla is also good.

itoctopus -
""Joey"" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message 
> Does anyone know of any good open source CMS system? ( content management
> system )
> Thanks!
> Joey

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Yep, PDO was one more question that I had and could not find dll for it.

Upgrade is an option but there are some custom dlls that we developed for
4.1.1 and do not want to spend time in checking it for higher version. But
if it is not possible then I guess we will do that


On 5/7/07, Richard Lynch <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

On Mon, May 7, 2007 5:29 pm, Suhas Pharkute wrote:
> Can someone please point me to a tutorial for PHP4.x.x and SQLite
> installation on Windows with Apache web server?
> I searched in Google and PHP mailing list but nothing useful. It seems
> like
> I am missing php_pdo.dll for 4.1.1 version.

First, make sure PDO was available for 4.1.1 at:

Even if it *was* it may not have made it into the Windows version...


The instructions mostly consist of "find the php_pdo.dll" in your zip
file and "put it in the right place" where says
is your extension_dir

Some people have a "gift" link here.
Know what I want?
I want you to buy a CD from some indie artist.
Yeah, I get a buck. So?

--- End Message ---
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i copied libmysql.dll and php_mysql.dll to my c:\windows\ folder

suddenly my script connects.  that's all it took.

my extension directory is set to C:\PHP in php.ini, but for some reason,
placing the dlls in
the windows folder did the trick.  i searched httpd.conf and php.ini for
"WINDOWS" and did not find
a reference, but it works.

thank you for taking the time to help.  maybe this info can help you or

someone you know.

On 5/7/07, Richard Lynch <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Compare what <?php phpinfo();?> says is REALLY your extension dir with
what you think is your extension dir...

On Mon, May 7, 2007 6:12 am, Jason Paschal wrote:
> I use this setup locally for testing/playing.  I recently installed
> the
> latest and greatest of the AMP collection.
> Apache 2.2.4
> PHP 5.2.2
> MySQL 5.0.37
> Apache and PHP work fine together, but I wanted to hook it up to a
> local
> test database, so  I installed MySQL.
> In php.ini, i have:
> ; Directory in which the loadable extensions (modules) reside.
> extension_dir = "C:\PHP"
> i made sure that i moved the dll to that folder, just like i did with
> the gd
> dll.
> And then i uncommented this line:
> extension=php_mysql.dll
> I restarted Apache, and ran a simple test script:
> <?php
> ini_set("display_errors","1");
> $cn = mysql_connect("localhost","root","password");
> ?>
> and I get the error:
> *Fatal error*: Call to undefined function mysql_connect()
> any ideas?
> thanks in advance,
> jason

Some people have a "gift" link here.
Know what I want?
I want you to buy a CD from some indie artist.
Yeah, I get a buck. So?

Crunchmutt Studios
Latest News Headlines:

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Dear all,
How can we know a request from web page( ex : firefox, IE..) or from client(
ex : window media, winamp, ...). Please help me !
Thanks & Best Regard.
Le Phuoc Canh
Arrive Techologies
Cell Phone     : 0902147449
Home Phone  : (08)9915349
Email            : [EMAIL PROTECTED]

--- End Message ---
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Le Phuoc Canh wrote:
Dear all,
How can we know a request from web page( ex : firefox, IE..) or from client(
ex : window media, winamp, ...). Please help me !
Thanks & Best Regard. Le Phuoc Canh Arrive Techologies
Cell Phone     : 0902147449
Home Phone  : (08)9915349
Email            : [EMAIL PROTECTED]
some will say that it is unreliable/unsafe/inconsistent/etc... whatever else they can come up with, but...

$_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'] should give you insight into what you are looking for.

It should contain a unique description for the above listed agents.


--- End Message ---
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Le Phuoc Canh wrote:

How can we know a request from web page( ex : firefox, IE..) or from client(
ex : window media, winamp, ...). Please help me !

you need to look at the http request header, you can use the $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'] variable to access that.

Please note some application may provide a false identity, ie Opera identifying itself as IE.



Real Time Travel Connections

{No electrons were harmed in the creation, transmission or reading of this email. However, many were excited and some may well have enjoyed the experience.}
--- End Message ---
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itoctopus -
"Le Phuoc Canh" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message 
> Dear all,
> How can we know a request from web page( ex : firefox, IE..) or from 
> client(
> ex : window media, winamp, ...). Please help me !
> Thanks & Best Regard.
> Le Phuoc Canh
> Arrive Techologies
> Cell Phone     : 0902147449
> Home Phone  : (08)9915349
> Email            : [EMAIL PROTECTED]

--- End Message ---
--- Begin Message ---
Thanks every body for helping me ! :)

Le Phuoc Canh
Arrive Techologies
Cell Phone     : 0902147449
Home Phone  : (08)9915349
Email            : [EMAIL PROTECTED]

-----Original Message-----
From: clive [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Tuesday, May 08, 2007 1:56 PM
To: Le Phuoc Canh
Subject: Re: [PHP] How to know a requets from web page or client.

Le Phuoc Canh wrote:

> How can we know a request from web page( ex : firefox, IE..) or from 
> client( ex : window media, winamp, ...). Please help me !

you need to look at the http request header, you can use the
$_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'] variable to access that.

Please note some application may provide a false identity, ie Opera
identifying itself as IE.



Real Time Travel Connections

{No electrons were harmed in the creation, transmission or reading of 
this email. However, many were excited and some may well have enjoyed 
the experience.}

--- End Message ---
--- Begin Message ---
Thanks a lot for helping.

I found the problem while trying so su to the www-user, where I was
immediately told "/bin/bash: permission denied". Rather unusual...

The owner of the server has mistakenly changed many permissions in the
/(s)bin, /usr/(s)bin directories, so that most of the files were chmod 700
instead of 755. The suid flags were also gone.

It took me a while to rebuild the permissions, but after that mail() worked
as it should.

That being said, it really would have saved me a lot of time and anger if
mail() were a little bit more verbose in situations like that. A simple
error message like "/usr/sbin/sendmail: permission denied" would have made



-----Original Message-----
From: Richard Lynch [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Tuesday, May 08, 2007 01:01
To: Andy B.
Subject: Re: [PHP] mail() only working with php-cli

On Sat, May 5, 2007 3:53 pm, Andy B. wrote:
> Is there any way to debug the mail() function within PHP4 or PHP5?

Check Apache error logs.
Check sendmail (or whatever) error logs.

> The following code is not working when called from a browser, but it
> does
> work from the command line:

Often points to a paths/permissions problem...

Can you 'su' to the Apache/PHP User and *then* run sendmail on command

> php and php-cli use the same php.ini file. Php via Apache is launched
> as a
> module, NOT as CGI!
> sendmail_path is correctly set to /usr/sbin/sendmail -t -i

You put quotes around that in  php.ini, right?...

Cuz it needs the quotes, last I checked:

sendmail_path = "/usr/sbin/sendmail -t -i"

> the /var/log/mail.log only shows activity when I try my code via
> command
> line, so my best guess is that sendmail is never reached when run from
> the
> browser.
> I went a little deeper and modified the sendmail_path to /tmp/,
> which
> contains:
> #!/bin/bash
> echo "I was used!!" > /tmp/test.log
> (chmod 777 /tmp/
> Again I tried my script from the web and from the command line. Same
> result... command line is fine and generates the test.log file. In the
> browser no log file is created.

Hmmm.  That blows away the quotes as an issue, at least until you got
back to using multi-word path...

Was sendmail installed when you compiled PHP, so PHP "knows" that it
should be able to use it?
Or, the short version of that question:
Does <?php phpinfo();?> show you 'mail' as an installed extension?

Some people have a "gift" link here.
Know what I want?
I want you to buy a CD from some indie artist.
Yeah, I get a buck. So?

--- End Message ---
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Can anyone can tell me what CMS is?

How can we make it?

What are the requirements for it?


Thanks for every response.





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means quite a lot of things:
the one you are probably interested in is:

STFW yourself next time please before asking here

Zoltán Németh

2007. 05. 8, kedd keltezéssel 13.17-kor Jyoti ezt írta:
> Hi
> Can anyone can tell me what CMS is?
> How can we make it?
> What are the requirements for it?
> Thanks for every response.
> Regards
> Jyoti

--- End Message ---
--- Begin Message ---
This one time, at band camp, "Jyoti" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hi
> Can anyone can tell me what CMS is?
Content Management System

> How can we make it?
A CMS can be quite simple and many use it as a first project for PHP.
I guess this is why many of them are full of holes.

> What are the requirements for it?
There are no requirements as you simply define your own content. Rather than
kill yourself within the CMS mine field, take a look at a mature system like

Kind regards

"Democracy is two wolves and a lamb voting on what to have for lunch. 
Liberty is a well-armed lamb contesting the vote."

--- End Message ---
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CMS is Customer Management System. It allows anyone with no programming 
skills to create and update a content-driven website.

There are lots of free CMSs available for download (just search for CMS on 

As for the requirements, nothing fancy is required, any modern day hosting 
will allow you to install  your CMS (some hosting companies have even 
created their own wizards to create your CMS site, which will make your job 
even easier)
itoctopus -
""Jyoti"" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message 
> Hi
> Can anyone can tell me what CMS is?
> How can we make it?
> What are the requirements for it?
> Thanks for every response.
> Regards
> Jyoti

--- End Message ---
--- Begin Message ---
At 5/8/2007 12:47 AM, Jyoti wrote:
Can anyone can tell me what CMS is?

How can we make it?

What are the requirements for it?

A CMS is a software system for managing website content.

To begin, click on these links:

If this is for a school project, please ask your instructor to teach you how to use the internet to find answers to questions.

After you have done your basic research, come back with some informed questions.

Remember: listserves help those who help themselves.
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Good morning,

I am using imagecreatetruecolor() and imagecopyresampled() to resize oversized images and am overlaying them with an transparent PNG to add a watermark. That works just well for oversized images.

Now, let's say I have a small image and would like to stretch it by 50 to 100% of its original size... I know there will be a loss of quality. But maybe someone out there has had to deal with the same before and knows the best way to do that?

Any suggestion would be very much appreciated :o)

Greetings from germany,


Chriatian Haensel
Fulltime WebSlave
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im having problem in making php news.

I have session variables in login prosses:


$_SESSION['username'] is taken from "admin" table

registered_admin can publish the news, and i want to insert the value that were 
sent from the "add_news" form into "news" table, one of them is admin_id which 
is a foreign key to "admin" table.

the problem is i do not know how to insert admin_id into "news" table. becoz 
the session which is taken from admin table is "username"

can anyone help me please...

Ahhh...imagining that irresistible "new car" smell?
 Check outnew cars at Yahoo! Autos.

--- End Message ---
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2007. 05. 8, kedd keltezéssel 03.35-kor uni uni ezt írta:
> im having problem in making php news.
> I have session variables in login prosses:
> $_SESSION['username']=$rec['username'];
> $_SESSION['registered_admin']=TRUE;
> $_SESSION['username'] is taken from "admin" table
> registered_admin can publish the news, and i want to insert the value that 
> were sent from the "add_news" form into "news" table, one of them is admin_id 
> which is a foreign key to "admin" table.
> the problem is i do not know how to insert admin_id into "news" table. becoz 
> the session which is taken from admin table is "username"

solution 1: look up the id of the admin in the db when he logs in, store
it in the session and later use that value
solution 2: look up the id of the admin before inserting into the news

Zoltán Németh

> can anyone help me please...
> ---------------------------------
> Ahhh...imagining that irresistible "new car" smell?
>  Check outnew cars at Yahoo! Autos.

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hi there is any function that use google translation for translation some html ?

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I want to define a folder like this


I am working on a windows machine running apache and this does not work. It
doesn't seem to like the forward slashes.
the document_root gives C:/Apache/htdocs/

Does anyone know a way to define the root folder on localhost so then when I
upload to the web server I either have to make no changes or just change
this one definition.

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