php-general Digest 14 Aug 2012 08:37:02 -0000 Issue 7921

Topics (messages 318687 through 318691):

Re: [PHP-WEBMASTER] php error
        318687 by: As'ad Djamalilleil

about unlink
        318688 by: Tolga

Re: How to best set per-site PHP session storage under suPHP/WordPress?
        318689 by: Philip Amadeo Saeli

WebCodeSniffer : a web interface for PHP_CodeSniffer
        318690 by: EasyPHP

Re: PHP session variables
        318691 by: tamouse mailing lists


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can we see the code of the form ?

On Mon, Aug 13, 2012 at 11:09 AM, Daniel Brown <> wrote:

> On Mon, Aug 13, 2012 at 2:32 PM, tomas lagro <>
> wrote:
> >
> > Hello, my name is tomas, i'm having a problem and i've checked a lot of
> times the script and it is not that, because in my local xampp server it
> works correctly, the issue is that i have a form on my webpage and when you
> submitt it, the post values are not being requested, so the query array has
> no values and has no result because of this. Is this a php.ini mistake?
> what can it be because its driving me crazy. Thanks for ypur time
>     This email belongs on the PHP General mailing list (CC'd), Tomas,
> and you should subscribe to that list at
> to follow the discussion and get
> help with your questions.
> --
> </Daniel P. Brown>
> Network Infrastructure Manager
> --
> PHP General Mailing List (
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hi, i have a very annoying problem with unlink()
i use win7 and wamp server (apache 2.2.22 & php 5.4.3)
when i try to use unlink:

SCREAM: Error suppression ignored for
Warning: unlink(aaa/bbb.ccc): Permission denied in C:\wamp\www\ddd\index.php on line /34/

neither the folder, nor the files are read-only. i give every user on win, all the permissions on folders & files. i look on google for same error, but nothing useful. some says 'you need to give PHP delete permission' but didnt say how. i run wamp with Run as Administrator. by the way, php can write, create (copy(),file_put_contents(),move_uploaded_file(),mkdir()) files or folders. there is no problem with it and there is no problem with deleting (rmdir) folders too. but there is problem when it comes to the deleting files.

i really need some suggestions about how to solve this, its really annoying and i dont want to throw my pc to the wall or punch it on the screen.
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* Ian <> [2012-08-13 09:50:51 +0100]:
> On 13/08/2012 06:01, Philip Amadeo Saeli wrote:
> > I'm administering WordPress sites under suPHP on a CentOS LAMP server
> > and would like to know how I can set PHP to keep the session files under
> > the WP user's dir without having do duplicate the entire php.ini file
> > for each WP site while still maintaining adequate security.  The
> > problems I'm encountering are that, AFAICT, I have basically two
> > choices:
> > 
> >  1. Use the suPHP "suPHP_ConfigPath" to set the path to a
> >     per-site php.ini file containing a "session.save_path"
> >     directive.
> > 
> >  2. Put php.ini files with the "session.save_path" directive
> >     within the WP dir hier.
> > 
> > The problems with the above two options (I have found no other options
> > so far) are that, for the former, the system php.ini file is not read so
> > the per-site php.ini file(s) have to duplicate most if not all of what's
> > in the system php.ini file; this is for each WP site (if not a WP Net
> > (AKA WPMU) install); and for the latter, -any-and-every- subdir in the
> > WP dir hier that has code that may reference the PHP session must have
> > its own php.ini file in it.  Either way it becomes a significant
> > maintenance problem, especially once there are more than one or two
> > such sites.
> > 
> > I have not been able to find much documentation on this, either in the
> > PHP site or in the various help forums.  I've searched quite extensively
> > and have run some tests of my own using phpinfo.php to see how things
> > are set.
> > 
> > I do not desire to open up file permissions to bypass this PHP settings
> > issue altogether due to security concerns (though I do wish an answer
> > could be so simple).
> > 
> > What's canonical in such a case?  If nothing, are there any other
> > alternatives?  My desired solution would be to be able to put one
> > php.ini (or equivalent) file per site that would contain the needed
> > directive which would be merged with the settings from the system
> > php.ini, overriding only the session.save_path, but, AFAICT, PHP does
> > not seem to allow this.  Any other ideas?
> > 
> > Thanks!
> > 
> > --Phil
> Hi,
> You can add php.ini variables to the Apache Virtual Host section for
> each site, for example:
> php_admin_value session.save_path "/path/to/new/session/folder"
> []
> This will override the save path for each site you add it to, but all
> other values will be picked up from the system default.
> You must make sure the Apache user has write access to the new folder.
> Regards
> Ian
> -- 

Thanks, Ian, for the suggestion.  I had tried that without success and
had neglected to mention that in my post.

The reason that it doesn't work, AFAICT, is that, since suPHP runs PHP
as CGI and not DSO, the Apache directives are not available to it.

Any other ideas?  I'd especially like to better understand how PHP
handles php.ini files and any rationale behind the way it handles them.



Philip Amadeo Saeli
openSUSE, RHEL, CentOS

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I'm developing the WAMP server EasyPHP ( and I'm using
PHP_CodeSniffer since a while. A lot of users of EasyPHP are confused
when it comes to use a program with CLI like PHP_CodeSniffer. Besides,
we always try to promote good practices and coding standards.
So, I've developed a web interface for PHP_CodeSniffer :
WebCodeSniffer (no need to install PEAR nor use CLI). Once copied at
the root of a domain or in a folder, this interface allows you to
navigate through the directories and to select a file to sniff. You
just need to select the standard and click on 'sniff'.
This first release is very basic and more features will be included
soon. Eleven standards are available so far : PHPCS, PEAR, Squiz,
Zend, PSR1, PSR2, Generic, MySource, Joomla, Drupal, CakePHP.
You can find WebCodeSniffer here :
Current version : WebCodeSniffer 0.2
Hope this will help you guys

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On Aug 13, 2012 8:01 AM, "Robert Cummings" <> wrote:
> On 12-08-10 04:42 PM, Tedd Sperling wrote:
>> On Aug 10, 2012, at 1:21 PM, Ege Sertçetin <> wrote:
>>> Hi. My question will maybe out of topic, I'm sorry.
>>> How can you know that one way will be much slower than other one? I
mean, how can I learn which function is faster before I test it?
>> Ege:
>> No your question is on topic.
>> This question should be asked on the list, so I'll present Q:A instead
of answering privately
>> The code is there -- if you have questions, please post them to the list.
> Ted,
> Please see the current signature for microtime():
>     mixed microtime ([ bool $get_as_float = false ] )
> The optional paramter was added in PHP 5.0.0. I think it's safe to update
your habits :)
> Cheers,
> Rob.
> --
> E-Mail Disclaimer: Information contained in this message and any
> attached documents is considered confidential and legally protected.
> This message is intended solely for the addressee(s). Disclosure,
> copying, and distribution are prohibited unless authorized.
> --
> PHP General Mailing List (
> To unsubscribe, visit:

What are the timing values if you do something besides session start with
no close?

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