php-general Digest 24 Oct 2009 08:28:33 -0000 Issue 6407

Topics (messages 299275 through 299283):

Re: regex pattern for extracting URLs
        299275 by: Paul M Foster
        299276 by: Ashley Sheridan

Re: Fedora 11 PHP install problems
        299277 by: Kim Madsen

Re: How to pronounce PHP code over the phone?
        299278 by: Dotan Cohen

Re: php mail() function
        299279 by: James Prentice
        299280 by: kranthi
        299281 by: Paul M Foster

Re: Sessions seems to kill db connection
        299282 by: kranthi
        299283 by: Kim Madsen


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On Fri, Oct 23, 2009 at 01:54:40PM -0400, Brad Fuller wrote:

> Thanks Ash you are awesome!

Brad, you're violating list rules. We never say that kind of thing to
Ash *where he can hear it*. Only behind his back. ;-}


Paul M. Foster

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On Fri, 2009-10-23 at 15:17 -0400, Paul M Foster wrote:

> On Fri, Oct 23, 2009 at 01:54:40PM -0400, Brad Fuller wrote:
> > Thanks Ash you are awesome!
> Brad, you're violating list rules. We never say that kind of thing to
> Ash *where he can hear it*. Only behind his back. ;-}
> Paul
> -- 
> Paul M. Foster

Well, it makes a refreshing change, off list people just want to insult
me :p


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Ashley Sheridan wrote on 2009-10-23 19:29:
On Fri, 2009-10-23 at 13:29 -0400, Israel Ekpo wrote:

What about the error undefined symbol: OnUpdateLong

Are you still observing that error?

[removed a bunch of old posting]
Ashley, you quotefucker :-)

Well, I'm not compiling from the source now, I went back to trying to
use the Fedora repositories (which was the only reason I ended up trying
to compile from source in the first place)

If I'm not mistaken php had to be compiled with "--with-apxs" to use modules in Apache, did you do that?

Regarding the PHPmyAdmin, did you try to give the root user a password? Maybe it's a security feature in PHPmyAdmin. I don't know, havent been using that system since 1999 due to the terrrible handling of "" and null values, which caused severe trouble in an ISP i worked for before we figured out what was going on + i LOVE the tab completion in the MySQL commandline tool

Kind regards
Kim Emax -

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> But I think for the OP's purposes, he could simply DEFINE any word he wanted
> at the beginning of the conversation: "Listen up duder. When I say 'de-ref'
> you make hyphen and a greater-than sign. Capiche?". He could just as easily
> say, "Listen up duder. When I say 'arrow-thingy' you make hyphen and a
> greater-than sign. Capiche?"  Problem solved. ;-)

That is what was done, but I wanted to know if there was already some
agreed-upon language.

Dotan Cohen

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I found the mail server for my ISP ( and
edited in the following manner:

myhostname =
relayhost = []

I still don't receive the mail from the PHP script though. The error
log from /var/log/mail.log is this:

Oct 23 21:00:31 homemade postfix/pickup[7044]: 6CA44A70109: uid=33
Oct 23 21:00:31 homemade postfix/cleanup[7107]: 6CA44A70109:
Oct 23 21:00:31 homemade postfix/qmgr[7045]: 6CA44A70109:
from=<>, size=527, nrcpt=1 (queue active)
Oct 23 21:00:31 homemade postfix/error[7109]: 6CA44A70109:
to=<>, relay=none, delay=0.04, delays=0.03/0/0/0.01,
dsn=5.0.0, status=bounced ([])
Oct 23 21:00:31 homemade postfix/cleanup[7107]: 75517A7010A:
Oct 23 21:00:31 homemade postfix/bounce[7110]: 6CA44A70109: sender
non-delivery notification: 75517A7010A
Oct 23 21:00:31 homemade postfix/qmgr[7045]: 75517A7010A: from=<>,
size=2219, nrcpt=1 (queue active)
Oct 23 21:00:31 homemade postfix/qmgr[7045]: 6CA44A70109: removed
Oct 23 21:00:31 homemade postfix/error[7109]: 75517A7010A:
to=<>, relay=none, delay=0.03,
delays=0.02/0/0/0.01, dsn=5.0.0, status=bounced
Oct 23 21:00:31 homemade postfix/qmgr[7045]: 75517A7010A: removed

Have I edited incorrectly, or are there other values that need
to be edited?

On Thu, Oct 22, 2009 at 6:24 PM, James Prentice <> wrote:
> How would I determine my ISP's SMPT server ID? And do I need to edit
> in order to use that server?
> Also, is there a way to test the script just sending an email locally?
> I tried sending the email to use...@localhost, but the email was still
> not received.
> On Thu, Oct 22, 2009 at 4:15 PM, LinuxManMikeC <> 
> wrote:
>> The problem is you won't be trusted to deliver mail directly to most
>> mail servers unless you have a static IP.  Even then thats no
>> guarantee.  What you have to do is relay through your ISP's SMTP
>> server where you're "trusted".  You should also be able to setup PHP
>> to use your ISP's SMTP server and never touch the SMTP service on your
>> local machine (if you don't feel like playing with Postfix).
>> On Thu, Oct 22, 2009 at 3:56 PM, James Prentice <> 
>> wrote:
>>> I'm trying to use the php mail() function to send a mail within a php
>>> script. This is using PHP 5.2.4 and Ubuntu Hardy Heron linux. The
>>> script runs fine and the return value of the mail function is TRUE,
>>> but the mail is never received. I'm trying to send an email to my
>>> gmail account via the local server on my machine, just to test if this
>>> script works.
>>> I installed postfix because I read in several places that people have
>>> had good luck with that mail program. From what I can tell, postfix is
>>> working. I can do:
>>> telnet localhost 25
>>> Trying
>>> Connected to localhost.
>>> Escape character is '^]'.
>>> 220 homemade ESMTP Postfix (Ubuntu)
>>> ehlo localhost
>>> 250-homemade
>>> 250-SIZE 10240000
>>> 250-VRFY
>>> 250-ETRN
>>> 250-STARTTLS
>>> 250-8BITMIME
>>> 250 DSN
>>> After the php script runs, I type 'mailq' and get the result 'mail
>>> queue is empty.' If I check /var/log/mail.log, this is what I see:
>>> Oct 21 23:54:35 homemade postfix/pickup[5735]: 2A31EA70109: uid=33
>>> from=<www-data>
>>> Oct 21 23:54:35 homemade postfix/cleanup[7997]: 2A31EA70109:
>>> message-id=<20091022065435.2a31ea70...@homemade>
>>> Oct 21 23:54:35 homemade postfix/qmgr[5736]: 2A31EA70109:
>>> from=<www-d...@homemade>, size=499, nrcpt=1 (queue active)
>>> Oct 21 23:54:35 homemade postfix/error[7999]: 2A31EA70109:
>>> to=<>, relay=none, delay=0.04, delays=0.03/0/0/0.01,
>>> dsn=5.0.0, status=bounced (
>>> Oct 21 23:54:35 homemade postfix/cleanup[7997]: 3217DA7010A:
>>> message-id=<20091022065435.3217da70...@homemade>
>>> Oct 21 23:54:35 homemade postfix/qmgr[5736]: 3217DA7010A: from=<>,
>>> size=2095, nrcpt=1 (queue active)
>>> Oct 21 23:54:35 homemade postfix/bounce[8000]: 2A31EA70109: sender
>>> non-delivery notification: 3217DA7010A
>>> Oct 21 23:54:35 homemade postfix/qmgr[5736]: 2A31EA70109: removed
>>> Oct 21 23:54:35 homemade postfix/local[8001]: 3217DA7010A:
>>> to=<www-d...@homemade>, relay=local, delay=0.03, delays=0/0.02/0/0.01,
>>> dsn=2.0.0, status=sent (delivered to command: procmail -a
>>> Oct 21 23:54:35 homemade postfix/qmgr[5736]: 3217DA7010A: removed
>>> Any ideas? I am new both to php and postfix. Thanks for any help.
>>> --
>>> PHP General Mailing List (
>>> To unsubscribe, visit:

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--- Begin Message ---
i never worked with postfix, but form my experience with hmail server
i can say that you need to relay through a mail account of ISP(not the
server itself)

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--- Begin Message ---
On Fri, Oct 23, 2009 at 09:11:25PM -0700, James Prentice wrote:

> I found the mail server for my ISP ( and
> edited in the following manner:
> myhostname =
> relayhost = []
> I still don't receive the mail from the PHP script though. The error
> log from /var/log/mail.log is this:
> Oct 23 21:00:31 homemade postfix/pickup[7044]: 6CA44A70109: uid=33
> from=<www-data>
> Oct 23 21:00:31 homemade postfix/cleanup[7107]: 6CA44A70109:
> message-id=<>
> Oct 23 21:00:31 homemade postfix/qmgr[7045]: 6CA44A70109:
> from=<>, size=527, nrcpt=1 (queue active)
> Oct 23 21:00:31 homemade postfix/error[7109]: 6CA44A70109:
> to=<>, relay=none, delay=0.04, delays=0.03/0/0/0.01,
> dsn=5.0.0, status=bounced ([])
> Oct 23 21:00:31 homemade postfix/cleanup[7107]: 75517A7010A:
> message-id=<>
> Oct 23 21:00:31 homemade postfix/bounce[7110]: 6CA44A70109: sender
> non-delivery notification: 75517A7010A
> Oct 23 21:00:31 homemade postfix/qmgr[7045]: 75517A7010A: from=<>,
> size=2219, nrcpt=1 (queue active)
> Oct 23 21:00:31 homemade postfix/qmgr[7045]: 6CA44A70109: removed
> Oct 23 21:00:31 homemade postfix/error[7109]: 75517A7010A:
> to=<>, relay=none, delay=0.03,
> delays=0.02/0/0/0.01, dsn=5.0.0, status=bounced
> ([])
> Oct 23 21:00:31 homemade postfix/qmgr[7045]: 75517A7010A: removed
> Have I edited incorrectly, or are there other values that need
> to be edited?

1. Not sure why you have square brackets around the relayhost value.

2. You're getting a bounce from the ISP's mail server, one indicating it
still won't allow relay.

3. I suspect the relayhost name is wrong. This may be the name you find
in the mail headers on messages relayed to you, but I doubt it's the one
you should use to post to. I could be wrong, though.

4. All due respect to Kranthi, but I believe he's wrong about relaying
mail from your webserver to the ISP's mailserver. I believe the ISP's
mailserver doesn't care, as long as the mail comes from your "pipe". You
could probably call yourself "" and your ISP would
accept it. It's just the From:. Again, I could be wrong.

5. This would be a lot simpler if you just call Shaw and ask them for
the name of the mailserver, and ask them if it's a problem for you to
post mail from your internal webserver to their mailserver. Then ask
them why such posts might bounce with a 5XX error.



Paul M. Foster

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>> Db error: Access denied for user 'www-data'@'localhost' (using password: NO)

>> WTF? I´m not using a user called www-data for MySQL connections, but apache 
>> runs as this user

in the case where $test is true there is an open mysql connection, but
when $test is false there is no open connection is  available. may be
you have opened a connection when $test is true or used a
mysql_close() when $test is false or when $_SESSION['login']['uid'] is

regarding www-data, when mysql_query() fails to find a valid MySql
connection, it tries to open a new connection with mysql.default_user
and mysql.default_password (u can see these values trough phpinfo());

this used to be the behavior earlier, seems it was changed from PHP > 5.3.0

--- End Message ---
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Hi Kranthi

kranthi wrote on 2009-10-24 07:27:
Db error: Access denied for user 'www-data'@'localhost' (using password: NO)

WTF? I´m not using a user called www-data for MySQL connections, but apache 
runs as this user

in the case where $test is true there is an open mysql connection, but
when $test is false there is no open connection is  available. may be
you have opened a connection when $test is true or used a
mysql_close() when $test is false or when $_SESSION['login']['uid'] is

I think you missed my words about resolving the matter, when you were cutting the quoted text :-)

regarding www-data, when mysql_query() fails to find a valid MySql
connection, it tries to open a new connection with mysql.default_user
and mysql.default_password (u can see these values trough phpinfo());

Thanks, that explained the www-data user

Kind regards
Kim Emax -

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