php-general Digest 7 Sep 2011 10:30:41 -0000 Issue 7470

Topics (messages 314720 through 314723):

        314720 by: James Yerge

dev to production server
        314721 by: Chris Stinemetz

mysql_fetch_object() equivalent for mongoDB
        314722 by: chamila gayan

PHP sessions expiring early
        314723 by: Paul Waring


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On 09/06/2011 05:47 PM, ALEJANDRO ZAPIOLA wrote:
> Seeing the $_REQUEST[] and it is a matrix that has the content of $_GET,
> $_POST and $_COOKIE, I think this can be used maliciously into the script.
> i.e.:
> request1.php
> <?php
>         setCookie("name","alejandro");
>         echo "<script>location.href='request2.php'</script>";
> ?>
> In this case, I'm setting the variable 'name' with value 'Alejandro', then
> redirects to request2.php
> request2.php
> ?php
>         print_r($_COOKIE);
>         echo "<br>";
>         print_r($_REQUEST);
>         echo "<br>";
>         if(@$_REQUEST['name'] == "admin"){
>                 echo "I am admin";
>         }else{
>                 echo "You can not see this page";
>         }
> ?>
> Here's the problem. The variable called 'name' is into REQUEST context, and
> this is accessible by GET and POST methods, and it is accessible by the
> COOKIE matrix as well. In this case, use Request is unsafe because I can
> change the variable called 'name' via GET method and it's give me access as
> admin.
> Mi question is: I do not see the good practice of using COOKIE values into
> of REQUEST, what I mean is that it can become in a programming bug. Also I
> could not fin answers anywhere else.
> thoughts?
> Thanks!

Why would you use this method to for authentication or validation? By
default, $_REQUEST is populated with the $_GET, $_POST and $_COOKIE
contents, which could potentially be modified by the remote user, which
in turns makes the data not trustworthy.

Never trust input data, ever, it must be sanitized, scrubbed, etc before
even considering it trustworthy - in my opinion.

As for your question, it makes complete sense to populate $_REQUEST with
$_GET, $_POST and $_COOKIE contents by default because the three call in
the REQUEST category for the HTTP protocol. Since the cookie was sent by
the server, the COOKIE header is going to be evident in the REQUEST headers.

Therefore, the only way a bug is going to be introduced and security
breached is by the author of the code ;)

The PHP team even makes mention that the contents of $_REQUEST cannot be


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Does anyone have a procedure or know of any tutorials that explain how
to take a mac/apache/php/mysql dev environment and converting it to
production environment?

Basically I want to host my own web site on my local machine now that
I have finished developing it.

Thanks in advance!

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hi all,

Is anybody aware of mysql_fetch_object() equivalent/similar implementation
for mongoDB?

we are looking for the most efficient way to store and load a php object
with mongoDB. really appreciate if you can share your experience on this.


~Chamila Gayan

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--- Begin Message --- I'm having trouble with a PHP website which requires users to be logged in to access all content other than the home page and a couple of static pages (about us, contact us etc.). Several users have said they are being logged out every few minutes whilst using the site - they can login but will be shown the login form again after a few minutes. I can't confirm this myself as the site seems to work fine for me - even using the same browser as they are and under their accounts - but I'm wondering if this could be a problem with the session settings?

The current settings I have are:

session.auto_start      Off
session.bug_compat_42   On
session.bug_compat_warn On
session.cache_expire    180
session.cache_limiter   nocache
session.cookie_domain   no value
session.cookie_httponly Off
session.cookie_lifetime 0
session.cookie_path     /
session.cookie_secure   Off
session.entropy_file    no value
session.entropy_length  0
session.gc_divisor      100
session.gc_maxlifetime  3600
session.gc_probability  1
session.hash_bits_per_character 4
session.hash_function   0    PHPSESSID
session.referer_check   no value
session.save_handler    files
session.save_path       /shared/sessions
session.serialize_handler       php
session.use_cookies     On
session.use_only_cookies        Off
session.use_trans_sid   0

The only options I have changed from the defaults are gc_maxlifetime, gc_probability and save_path. There are several sites on the same server, some are https, others just plain http. They all use the same session options. session_start() is called once on every page.

The PHP version we're running is: PHP 5.2.6-1+lenny13 with Suhosin-Patch (cli) (built: Jul 1 2011 16:01:01). I'm aware it's an old version before anyone tells me to upgrade (it's the latest stable version in Debian Lenny). :)

Potential problems I have already ruled out:

1. I don't think it's a browser problem as the users have a variety of browsers and versions (we log the user agent for each login, they're mostly IE7/8 on XP/Vista/7 with a few Chrome users), and I can't reproduce the problem using the same browsers on my machine.

2. The server time is correct.

3. The sessions aren't stored in a directory which is being regularly cleared out, such as /var/lib/php5 or /tmp.

4. The web server has permission to write to the save_path directory, and I can see session files being created.

5. No output buffering functions are being used.

Can anyone suggest things which I could try? I cannot work out why this problem is happening for some users but not me.

Thanks in advance.


Paul Waring

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