
I'm using ImpAkt2 (PHP4, MySql, Apache on W2K)

I have update form (which has date-field). So now I have to enter date on 
format yy.mm.dd (ex. today 02.09.27), and in the database has then correct 
format yyyy-mm-dd. 

Ok! I have also listing-page, which has date-field (it format is dd.mm.yyyy 
(finland or germany). When I'll goto update form, date-field format is 
dd.mm.yyyy. But when I'll accept form, everything goes wrong.... I'll get 
strange date. In the listing-page date-format is now 20.09.2027.
How I can correct this problem? Can I use Impakt UniformVal and RegExp-field or 
what I have do to.

This is quite difficult problem to explain!


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