
I am trying to create little counter:
I can't open file for writing.
I've tried different params: "w", "r+", "wb" ... nothnig works

I am using IIS 5.0 , and I have set permitions to read & write files on

============= source code ===============

 echo "File is writable";
 echo "File is NOT writable";

echo "<br>";

$fd = fopen ("counter.txt", "r");
while (!feof ($fd)) {
    $my_count = fgets($fd, 4096);
fclose ($fd);

$fd = fopen ("counter.txt", "wb");
 fputs($fd, $my_count);
 fclose ($fd);

echo "Your are user no:";
echo $my_count;

============= end source ================

but after execution PHP says that:

File is writable

Warning: fopen("counter.txt", "wb") - Permission denied in
c:\inetpub\wwwroot\PSK\user_no.php on line 27
Your are user no:8

Whay can't I open file for writing???

Thanks for help!!!

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