
I have a problem with my php script. I am creating a report in PDF based on
data in the Oracle9i database. To access Oracle I use OCI and to create PDF
files I use ClibPDF 2.02.

The problem is with the ammount of data - there are currently some 2000
records and are expected to be some 12000. This means that the output report
has now 100 pages and may have much more (up to, say, 500).

With that ammount of data I naturally create the PDF as a file (not in
memory). As a result the file seems to be created properly but the output
from PHP script (which is simply the link to the created file) does not
appear. The browser displays an error message and in my httpd error_log I
[Wed Sep 19 14:12:25 2001] [notice] child pid 14090 exit signal Segmentation
fault (11)

Have any Ideas? What is the sorce of the problem. It doesn't appear if I
limit the number of selected records.

I have already done the following:

* Set cpdf global limits to satisfy my needs:

* Open pdf document as a file
   $PDF = cpdf_open(1,$file);

* Finalize each page (what cost me not having the total number of pages
printed on each page)
  cpdf_finalize_page ($GLOBALS[PDF], $pages-1);

Any thing more I could do? Unfortunatelly there is no PHP error shown or

Best regards.

Marcin Floryan [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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