Hi there,

Having problem with a snippet of code, the code works in php4 but not in php3.

Here is the snippet:

$imagesize = getimagesize($UPLOADFILE);
         // print $imagesize[0] . " " . $imagesize[1];
         if($imagesize[0] > 360 or $imagesize[1] >252 or $UPLOADFILE_size > 51024)
         {  // Image Size Too Large
toolarge.html?HEIGHT=$imagesize[1]&WIDTH=$imagesize[0]&FS=$UPLOADFILE_size" );


When we take out the comments by the print statement we get the image size of
the file we are uploading and they are 960, 660.  The If statement should catch
it and redirect to the toolarge.html page. It does do this in the php4 but not
in php3.

Any ideas

Thanks in advance.


Pat Militzer
Tech Support Supervisor
Metro/MLS Inc.
11430 W North Ave
Wauwatosa, WI 53226
414-778-5400 ext. 124
Fax 778-6143
web site: www.metromls.com

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