[PHP] Thumbnail pages - alot of them

2002-06-06 Thread rory oconnor
I have a mysql database table of about 7000 images (they are not actually in the db, just references), as yet uncategorized. I need to put them online and allow my client to browse 12-18 thumbnails per page. what would be the most efficient method to code that with PHP? any help is appreciated!

[PHP] listing dates ranges

2002-03-21 Thread rory oconnor
I am writing a php front-end to create dynamic queries on a mysql database, and i'm a pretty new programmer! I want to offer the user a date range, and the dates I want to use are stored in my database: 2002-02-17 2002-02-24 2002-03-02 2002-03-09 2002-03-15 ... and I can select them, but what