"Phillip B. Bruce" wrote:

> Hi,
>    Look at the code below first:
> <?php
>      2
>      3  include "include_fns.php";
>      4  include "header_news.php";
>      5
>      6  $conn = db_connect();
>      7
>      8  $pages_sql = "select * from pages order by code";
>      9  $pages_result = mysql_query($pages_sql, $conn);
>     10
>     11  while ($pages = mysql_fetch_array($pages_result)) {
>     12
>     13    $story_sql = "select * from stories
>     14                  where page = '$pages[code]'
>     15                  and published is not null
>     16                  order by published desc";
>     17    $story_result = mysql_query($story_sql, $conn);
>     18    if (mysql_num_rows($story_result)) {
>     19      $story = mysql_fetch_array($story_result);
>     20      print "<TABLE border=\"1\" width=685>";
>     21      print "<TR>";
>     22      print "<TD width=\"50%\">";
>     23      print "<H3>$pages[description]</H3>";
>     24      print $story[headline];
>     25      print "</TD>";
>     26      print "<TD ALIGN=RIGHT>";
>     27      print "&nbsp;";
>     28      print "</TD>";
>     29      print "</TR>";
>     30      print "</TABLE>";
>     31    }
>     32  }
>     33
>     34  include "footer_news.php";
>     35  ?>
>     My problem is that I want to do the following:
>    ==========================================
> |
> |
>     =========================================
>     |
> |                                              |
>    ==========================================
>     |
> |                                               |
>     =========================================
>     So I thought a neat trick would be to before line 22 the following:
>     if ( $pages[code]="intro")
>         print "<TD >";
>    else
>         print "<TD width=\"50%\">";
>    The objective would be to have a whole row by like I describe above.
>     The thing is I don't want to write the same routine just for that
> one row
>      and by that I mean put in another mysql call to the database.
>   Suggestion?
> --
> ************************************************************
> *** Phillip B. Bruce                                     ***
> *** http://pbbruce.home.mindspring.com                   ***
> *** [EMAIL PROTECTED]                               ***
> ***                                                      ***
> *** "Have you ever noticed? Anybody going slower than    ***
> *** you is an idiot, and anyone going faster than you    ***
> *** is a maniac." - George Carlin                        ***
> ************************************************************


  Group I've solved this problem myself and for those interested here is
what I did to resolve it.


include "include_fns.php";
include "header_news.php";

$conn = db_connect();

$pages_sql = "select * from pages order by code";
$pages_result = mysql_query($pages_sql, $conn);

while ($pages = mysql_fetch_array($pages_result)) {

  $story_sql = "select * from stories
                where page = '$pages[code]'
                and published is not null
                order by published desc";

  $story_result = mysql_query($story_sql, $conn);
  if (mysql_num_rows($story_result)) {
    $story = mysql_fetch_array($story_result);
    print "<TABLE border=\"1\" width=685>";
    if ( $pages[code] == "Intro" ){
    print "<TR>";
    print "<TD>";
    print "<H3>$pages[description]</H3>";
    print $story[headline];
    print "</TD>";
    print "</TR>";
    else {
    print "<TR>";
    print "<TD width=\"50%\">";
    print "<H3>$pages[description]</H3>";
    print $story[headline];
    print "</TD>";
    print "<TD ALIGN=RIGHT>";
    print "<H3>$pages[description]</H3>";
    print $story[headline];
    print "</TD>";
    print "</TR>";
    print "</TABLE>";

include "footer_news.php";

My orginal problem was that I was using lower case intro and not Intro
what I put into
the database. Which was a stupid oversite on my part. Now this cose will
only create
a <TD></TD> when it sees Intro and not a pair of <TD></TD>. I'm truly
starting to
 like php a lot.

*** Phillip B. Bruce                                     ***
*** http://pbbruce.home.mindspring.com                   ***
*** [EMAIL PROTECTED]                               ***
***                                                      ***
*** "Have you ever noticed? Anybody going slower than    ***
*** you is an idiot, and anyone going faster than you    ***
*** is a maniac." - George Carlin                        ***

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