
A bit of background. I work at a company that has a web-based staffing
software (jobs, candidates, you get the idea). We are about 5 developers
(close to 15 w/ all other projects). Jobs and candidates are a perfect
example of where XML and web-services are applicable. Use our software and
post your job to monster, or any staffing agency w/ a compliant web service
listener. Later receive a candiate response via the same protocol (defined
by XML.org or whomever).

Anyway, I figured out an apache configuration that allows us to use the ease
and speed of PHP and the power of java (all the SOAP tool kits from IBM,
etc). Here is the apache conf.

PHP, Tomcat, Apache HOWTO

(assume jdk1.3.1 installed under /usr/java/) This was done on RH7.1


Untar these packages within the same dir. I use /usr/src/. Install the rpm

vi /etc/rc.d/init.d/tomcat
    (make it look something like this)
    export JAVA_HOME=/usr/java/jdk1.3.1_01
    export TOMCAT_HOME=/var/tomcat

cd apache_1.3.19
./configure --enable-module=so
make install

cd php-4.0.6
./configure --with-apxs=/usr/local/apache/bin/apxs
make install
        (of course you'll want --with-* that represent your env)

cd /usr/src/jakarta-tomcat-3.2.3-src/src/native/apache1.3
/usr/local/apache/bin/apxs -o mod_jk.so -I ../jk -I
/usr/java/jdk1.3.1_01/include -I  /usr/java/jdk1.3.1_01/include/linux -c *.c

cp mod_jk.so /usr/local/apache/libexec/

add the following line to the bottom of httpd.conf
        (do the regular conf of apache for php as well)

include /var/tomcat/conf/mod_jk.conf-auto

That is it. Now any empty directory in your DocumentRoot (that you define in
the tomcat conf) is handled via tomcat/mod_jk and any .php file is handled
by mod_php. It'll take a while for me to get really familar with tomcat
conf, but once I am virtual servers and the rest should be possible. 

Anyway, I'm happy I get the apache soap and XML java based tools for the web
services and get to keep the rapid development environment of php.

Hope this is of use to some people. - Eric

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