[PHP] Apache and PHP under win98 help !

2002-01-08 Thread Lindsey

Please check the link below, this site explains to you in clear details
how to install and configure php and apache on windows 98. I have tried
it and it works.


I hope that this will be helpfull to you.


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[PHP] Apache and PHP under win98 help !

2002-01-08 Thread rick

hi guys , 

 I have a problem with my Apache and PHP configuration under 
win 98 .

I can't make it works..

This is my httpd lines pointing to php : 

 LoadModule php4_module c:\php\dlls\php4apache.dll
AddType application/x-httpd-php .php4

ScriptAlias /php4/ "C:/php/"
Action application/x-httpd-php4 "/php/php.exe"
AddType application/x-httpd-php4 .php

I had this configuration before and all works fine , but now 
When I try to run Apache for the first time , Its tell me that he 
can't  find the php4apache.dll library . 

but the library is there.??!!! , next I change the path to point 
to sapi directory where the library also exists , but I get the same 
error ..

The most amazing part is that when I browse the directory I can't see 
the file ! but when I try to copy the file inside the directory
its tells me that the file already exists ! 

so , What's happend ?  

Somebody could help me ??  

thanks in advance , guys 

Ricardo Karcher