Hey guys & gals & all ships at sea,

We've been approached by a central office of a relatively large religious denomination that collects data from their member churches in the form of an 11 page questionnaire with a diverse set of questions ranging from multiple choice, essay type, to financial statements.

It's currently all hand filled out and then hand typed in to a MS Access database (shudder...).

They want to webify it so I'm wondering if anyone has any recommendations on PHP based form generation tools that would speed up the process of form creation and perhaps even the inserts into MySQL.

So far I'm looking at phpFormGenerator here


But it says "beta" which gives me some small pause, and I'm actively browsing for others.

Any experience or advice others have here would be greatly appreciated.

Any CMS out there that might have a tool for this that would be quick to install and get up and going? Codeigniter have one, any others???

Much thanks,

Skip Evans
Big Sky Penguin, LLC
503 S Baldwin St, #1
Madison WI 53703
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telekinesis, raise my hand.
 -- Kurt Vonnegut

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