RE: [PHP] Doubts concerning a general Insert method

2009-07-14 Thread MEM
Ok... according to the above posts, I've started to create my generic CRUD 
class however, I'm wondering:

Any of you have already used a DAO design pattern in conjunction with a CRUD 
generic class? 
Know that I'm trying to create a generic CRUD class on a DAO Design pattern, it 
seems that it makes no sense at all.

Is there an advantage on doing this?

My thought:
On a insert to database scenario for example:
Without the CRUD generic class: to do an insert, we instantiate a DAO class and 
then call the insert method. Nothing more. Done.

With the CRUD generic class: maybe we will have less code on the DAO site but, 
at the end, to insert a record, we still need to instantiate a DAO and call a 
insert method SO...

I see not big advantage on using both...

Can I have your advice on this please?


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[PHP] Doubts concerning a general Insert method

2009-07-13 Thread MEM
Hello, I'm trying to understand a general CRUD class that I've seen here:

I'm learning PHP and I have some doubts on this method to generally insert
data into DB. The class name is crud and here is the method: 

public function dbInsert($table, $values) {


$fieldnames = array_keys($values[0]);

$size = sizeof($fieldnames);


//construction of the prepared statment
$sql = INSERT INTO $table;

$fields = '( ' . implode(' ,', $fieldnames) . ' )';

$bound = '(:' . implode(', :', $fieldnames) . ' )';

$sql .= $fields.' VALUES '.$bound;

//prepares statement e saves it on variable $stmt
$stmt = $this-db-prepare($sql);

foreach($values as vals)

To place values on the DB we do:

$crud = new crud();

$values = array
array('animal_name'='bruce', 'animal_type'='dingo'),
array('animal_name'='bruce', 'animal_type'='kangaroo'),

$crud-dbInsert('animals', $values);

The doubts:
1) Names convention question: 
Isn't more correct to call $columname, instead of $fieldname ? 

2) Why do we have this?

3) Here: 
$fieldnames = array_keys($values[0]);

We are keeping on variable $fieldnames, the key value of the $values array,
when this array is on the position 0 ? And what is *actually* the value
returned, considering our array?
$values = array
array('animal_name'='bruce', 'animal_type'='dingo'),
array('animal_name'='bruce', 'animal_type'='kangaroo'),

4) Here:
foreach($values as $vals)

We are telling that, for each (line/element/index ???) of $values array, the
actual value will be given(?) to vals, and the pointer goes to the next
(line/element/index)... ?

We then execute the prepared statement, but I don't get what are we passing
as a param? I mean, what kind of think does the execute PDO method expects
as a param? 
Why $stmt-execute($vals); and not only $stmt-execute(); ?

Can I please have your help on clarifying those doubts?

Thanks a lot,

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Re: [PHP] Doubts concerning a general Insert method

2009-07-13 Thread Stuart
2009/7/13 MEM
 Hello, I'm trying to understand a general CRUD class that I've seen here:

 I'm learning PHP and I have some doubts on this method to generally insert
 data into DB. The class name is crud and here is the method:

 public function dbInsert($table, $values) {


        $fieldnames = array_keys($values[0]);

        $size = sizeof($fieldnames);


        //construction of the prepared statment
        $sql = INSERT INTO $table;

        $fields = '( ' . implode(' ,', $fieldnames) . ' )';

        $bound = '(:' . implode(', :', $fieldnames) . ' )';

        $sql .= $fields.' VALUES '.$bound;

        //prepares statement e saves it on variable $stmt
        $stmt = $this-db-prepare($sql);

        foreach($values as vals)

 To place values on the DB we do:

 $crud = new crud();

 $values = array
                array('animal_name'='bruce', 'animal_type'='dingo'),
                array('animal_name'='bruce', 'animal_type'='kangaroo'),

 $crud-dbInsert('animals', $values);

 The doubts:
 1) Names convention question:
 Isn't more correct to call $columname, instead of $fieldname ?

The two terms are interchangeable in the context of a database.

 2) Why do we have this?

It's not used so I'd guess it's a remnant from an older version of the
method. Safe to remove it.

 3) Here:
 $fieldnames = array_keys($values[0]);

 We are keeping on variable $fieldnames, the key value of the $values array,
 when this array is on the position 0 ? And what is *actually* the value
 returned, considering our array?

 $values = array
                array('animal_name'='bruce', 'animal_type'='dingo'),
                array('animal_name'='bruce', 'animal_type'='kangaroo'),

You can use the var_dump function to dump the contents of $fieldnames
after that line has been executed and see for yourself.

In this case let's break it down...

$values[0] will give you the first element of $values, namely
array('animal_name'='bruce', 'animal_type'='dingo').

array_keys will return an array containing the keys from the
passed array, so in this case you'll get array('animal_name',

 4) Here:
 foreach($values as $vals)

 We are telling that, for each (line/element/index ???) of $values array, the
 actual value will be given(?) to vals, and the pointer goes to the next
 (line/element/index)... ?

 We then execute the prepared statement, but I don't get what are we passing
 as a param? I mean, what kind of think does the execute PDO method expects
 as a param?
 Why $stmt-execute($vals); and not only $stmt-execute(); ?

After it's finished building $sql use var_dump to look at it. You'll
see that the values are specified as :animal_name and :animal_type.
The : indicates to PDO that these are replaceable values.

The foreach will go through the $values array and for each row it will
pass the data (e.g. array('animal_name'='bruce',
'animal_type'='dingo') for the first time round the loop) to the
execute function which will effectively replace those elements in the
SQL statement and execute it.

For more info I suggest you Google for PDO prepared statements for
further reading.



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RE: [PHP] Doubts concerning a general Insert method

2009-07-13 Thread MEM

 $values[0] will give you the first element of $values, namely
 array('animal_name'='bruce', 'animal_type'='dingo').
 array_keys will return an array containing the keys from the
 passed array, so in this case you'll get array('animal_name',

So... since $value is an associate array of arrays, we will get, on the first 
key, not an array with 0, 1, like array(0,1); but 
array('animal_name','animal_type'), yes?
When we use the implode over this array, we get:
animal_name, animal_type that is the string that will pass to be prepare using 
the PDO prepare().
 After it's finished building $sql use var_dump to look at it. You'll
 see that the values are specified as :animal_name and :animal_type.
 The : indicates to PDO that these are replaceable values.

Yes. And normally, to fill those replaceable values, I was used to use 
I like this bindParam method because we can then use PDO::PARAM_INT and 
PDO::PARAM_STR to more accurately control the data type flow...

 The foreach will go through the $values array and for each row it will
 pass the data (e.g. array('animal_name'='bruce',
 'animal_type'='dingo') for the first time round the loop) to the
 execute function which will effectively replace those elements in the
 SQL statement and execute it.

Ok, so:
Our $sql will be: INSERT INTO $table (animal_name, animal_type) VALUES 
(:animal_name, :animal_type) 

We then prepare this $sql by doing: 
prepare($sql); and the value of this preparation will be kept on a variable 
name $stmt.

Finally, on the foreach, we will grab each value of the $values array, and keep 
him, on a variable called $vals, 

The $vals will contain this on the first occurrence of the loop:
array('animal_name'='bruce', 'animal_type'='ding')

and then, the var $vals will have this on the second occurrence of the loop:
array('animal_name'='bruce', 'animal_type'='kanguro')


At the end of each of these loops, we will process the execute (that will send 
the statement to the database).
$stmt-execute(array('animal_name'='bruce', 'animal_type'='kanguro').

So this execute will do A LOT, it will take away the 'array(' part, will see 
the keys of these arrays (e.g. animal_name and animal_type) compare them with 
the placeholder names given on the prepare statement and, replace the 
placeholder names with the values inside on each of this array keys.

Is this correct?


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Re: [PHP] Doubts concerning a general Insert method

2009-07-13 Thread Stuart
2009/7/13 MEM

     $values[0] will give you the first element of $values, namely
 array('animal_name'='bruce', 'animal_type'='dingo').

     array_keys will return an array containing the keys from the
 passed array, so in this case you'll get array('animal_name',

 So... since $value is an associate array of arrays, we will get, on the first 
 key, not an array with 0, 1, like array(0,1); but 
 array('animal_name','animal_type'), yes?
 When we use the implode over this array, we get:
 animal_name, animal_type that is the string that will pass to be prepare 
 using the PDO prepare().


 After it's finished building $sql use var_dump to look at it. You'll
 see that the values are specified as :animal_name and :animal_type.
 The : indicates to PDO that these are replaceable values.

 Yes. And normally, to fill those replaceable values, I was used to use 
 I like this bindParam method because we can then use PDO::PARAM_INT and 
 PDO::PARAM_STR to more accurately control the data type flow...

I'm not overly familiar with PDO, but I believe that's an alternative
way to do it. The execute method lets you do it in one method call.

 The foreach will go through the $values array and for each row it will
 pass the data (e.g. array('animal_name'='bruce',
 'animal_type'='dingo') for the first time round the loop) to the
 execute function which will effectively replace those elements in the
 SQL statement and execute it.

 Ok, so:
 Our $sql will be: INSERT INTO $table (animal_name, animal_type) VALUES 
 (:animal_name, :animal_type)

 We then prepare this $sql by doing:
 prepare($sql); and the value of this preparation will be kept on a variable 
 name $stmt.

 Finally, on the foreach, we will grab each value of the $values array, and 
 keep him, on a variable called $vals,

 The $vals will contain this on the first occurrence of the loop:
 array('animal_name'='bruce', 'animal_type'='ding')

 and then, the var $vals will have this on the second occurrence of the loop:
 array('animal_name'='bruce', 'animal_type'='kanguro')


 At the end of each of these loops, we will process the execute (that will 
 send the statement to the database).
 $stmt-execute(array('animal_name'='bruce', 'animal_type'='kanguro').

 So this execute will do A LOT, it will take away the 'array(' part, will see 
 the keys of these arrays (e.g. animal_name and animal_type) compare them with 
 the placeholder names given on the prepare statement and, replace the 
 placeholder names with the values inside on each of this array keys.

 Is this correct?




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RE: [PHP] Doubts concerning a general Insert method

2009-07-13 Thread MEM
Nice. :-) Thanks a lot Stuart for your time and explanations. 
Now that I have understand, I will try to move on, and understand how can we 
introduce bindParams on it:

For a recall, here is the original class:

 public function dbInsert($table, $values) {


$fieldnames = array_keys($values[0]);

$size = sizeof($fieldnames);


//construction of the prepared statment
$sql = INSERT INTO $table;

$fields = '( ' . implode(' ,', $fieldnames) . ' )';

$bound = '(:' . implode(', :', $fieldnames) . ' )';

$sql .= $fields.' VALUES '.$bound;

//prepares statement e saves it on variable $stmt
$stmt = $this-db-prepare($sql);

foreach($values as vals)

However I do have some questions that maybe someone more experimented then me 
could easily solve:

The bindParams should look similar to this:

$stmt-bindParam(':animal_name', $animals-getName(), PDO::PARAM_STR );
$stmt-bindParam(':animal_type', $animals-getType(), PDO::PARAM_STR );

So, instead of looping trough an array of values, I will to do it for objects, 
something like:
foreach($animals-listaAnimals() as $row) ...

Can I have some words on this so that I can properly try to add bindParam on 
this class method.

I also need to have a way to add PDO::PARAM_STR if the values is a string or 
PDO::PARAM_INT if the values is int, PDO::PARAM_BOOL etc... 
Is there a way to control this? Using something like is_integer() and 
is_string(), inside if statement perhaps? If so, what about the Boolean?

Thanks a lot,

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