eNetwizard is a cutting-edge web application server and content
management system. It includes an advanced runtime engine capable of
rendering and managing an unlimited number of websites across an
unlimited number of domains (referred to as the matrix), all from a
central web space environment. eNetwizard is platform independent and
runs on both public and private networks, making it suitable for
Internet, Intranet, and Extranet solutions. Indeed, by its very design,
eNetwizard can run all three of them (in unlimited numbers) with a
single running copy of the distribution. eNetwizard is ideal for the
individual to the largest of enterprises, as well as for internet
service providers who wish to offer truly unique web hosting and web
design services. 


eNetwizard was designed with five main concepts in mind: security,
flexibility, configurability, efficiency, and expandability. 

eNetwizard includes its own API and registry that allow programmers to
interact with the system; the API is expanded using an included
components library, which can be easily added to; this allows
programmers to expand the capabilities of eNetwizard without interfering
with the core API. 

eNetwizard includes modules (as part of the core class library) for
advanced session management, complete error handling, thorough user
authentication, and the following of precise security protocols. Nothing
gets past eNetwizard. An example of one of the components is an entire
suite of logging functions which are so comprehensive it can even log
attempts at treachery! And, if you want it to, block the user

eNetwizard includes a full set of wizards (which are automatically
available to all of the websites in the matrix.) An example of one of
the wizards is the Sign Up Wizard, which allows a user to sign up for
membership to the matrix; users have the ability to indicate which
websites in the matrix may have access to their personal information,
and what information they may have access to; if a website needs this
information to offer a customized service and the user has not yet given
the website permission, eNetwizard will prompt the user and ask if it is
okay. This is just one of the many wizards available as part of the
standard distribution. 

eNetwizard itself is fully-customizable, as is all of the content that
it is responsible for rendering. Individual websites (and even groups of
websites) can be owned by different individuals, unlimited in number of
course, giving each of them access to their own Website Wizard. The main
administrator makes use of the Matrix Wizard to govern eNetwizard. 

eNetwizard also contains a full set of plug-in applications (referred to
as objects) which add to the functionality of individual websites; a
simple object would be a newsletter or web directory; once an object is
added to a web matrix, it runs flawlessly, even in the style and colors
that have already been chosen as the theme of the website. 

These are just a few of the many wonderful things that eNetwizard can


eNetwizard is primarily written in PHP and uses MySQL as its backend
database server. In the future, eNetwizard will provide support for
other databases as well. eNetwizard runs best on Apache, regardless of
platform, and makes use of the mod_rewrite module to force Apache to
serve all requests through the eNetwizard Runtime Engine; it's a very
simple setup. It may be possible to use eNetwizard with other web
servers, such as IIS, if the web server contains a similar method to
mod_rewrite. So in essence, eNetwizard is designed to work on most
standard web server configurations. Future projects that will complement
eNetwizard will be written in Perl and Java as well. eNetwizard
licensing is based on the Open Source Artistic License. 


I began eNetwizard as an independent project at the age of twenty-one as
a way to simplify my role as a web programmer and as a workaround to the
limitations I found myself facing on a shared hosting server. eNetwizard
began its life at Swift eNetwork <>,
presently offline. Over the course of four years, I would develop it to
a certain point when suddenly I would have a revelation about how to
substantially improve the product; several times, five or six so far, I
have completely scrapped the code and completely started it all over
again! I wanted it to be perfect before I ever considered releasing it
to the public. 

Now, at the age of twenty-five, over four years later, eNetwizard has
finally begun to live up to the grand vision in my mind that it was
always meant to become. It has become a stable solution that I honestly
believe will become an invaluable resource to the web programming

The latest version of eNetwizard is used on several different systems
already, Windows and Linux, including internally by one of the largest
cable companies in America. 


I will be releasing the first Alpha release of eNetwizard within the
next few weeks. 

eNetwizard still has a long way to go before it meets its full
potential. I am currently actively seeking competent volunteer
programmers who would like to contribute to this project. Those
programmers whom I select to work on this project side-by-side with me
will receive substantial recognition for their efforts. If you are
interested, please contact me with detailed information about your
skills and the projects that you have been involved in. If you are an
active SourceForge user, even better! I need assistance with many of the
different sub projects as well as individuals who can translate English
into other languages; I would like to make eNetwizard portable to as
many languages as possible. If you have experience in documentation or
other areas of project development, I would love to hear from you as
well. Some of the things that need to be done are simple, while others
are quite complex. For instance, eNetwizard needs a multifaceted parser
for dealing with dynamic content. There are many, many different things
that need to be done. 

For those of you who are curious about just trying out the software, it
will be available for download very soon; the core of eNetwizard is
pretty much a complete project, now it's just time for expanding it. 

For information about its release, you can sign up for the mailing list
by following the links below. I look forward to hearing from you! 

Robert Samuel White 


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