Fatal error: Call to undefined function:  key() in /var/www/explorer/test.php on line 

When it's listed right here: http://www.php.net/manual/en/function.key.php

I was playing with the library from: http://phpconcept.free.fr/pclzip/index.en.php

This is the code:


include ("pclzip.lib.php");

$zip = new PclZip("test.zip");

$list = array();
$list = $zip->listContent();


for ($i = 0 ; $i <= count($list); $i++) {

        for ( reset($list[$i]); $keyloc = key($list[$i]); next($list[$i]) ) {
                echo "File $i / [$keyloc] = " . $list[$i][$keyloc] . "<br>";
        echo "<BR>";


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