This isn't directly PHP related, but I feel it is appropriate.

I just got a letter from VeriSign- a "Domain Name Expiration Notice". It was 
EXTREMELY misleading. I looked like an invoice demanding $29 by 5/15/02. 
Basically, they made it seem like I already had a service with them and this 
was a renewal of that service. I suppose this is remotely true since they run 
the A root server... Nah it's still way out of line.

My domain ( ) expires 6/6/02 (according to the whois 
records). The 5/15 deadline makes it seem like they're trying to get in 
before the compitition, so their chicanery will work. As you can tell from 
the whois records, my domain is registered through, via (well, you can't tell the second part, but you have my word 
on it ;)). Neither of these companies, to the best of my knowledge, are 
associate in any way with VeriSign.

I called the billing department @ nomonthlyfees, and they said that this was 
happening to lots of people, and not to worry about it (DNS renewal is 
included in my hosting charges).

I'm on my way to after I finish this eMail. I just wanted to give you 
guys warning.

Evan Nemerson

The probability that we may fail in the struggle ought not to deter us from 
the support of a cause we believe to be just.

Abraham Lincoln

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