Re: [PHP] Nested Menu Help

2002-06-23 Thread Lowell Allen

> When I am in page A (or one of it's children) I wish to show it's one level of
> children like so:
> Page A
>   Child 1
>   Child 2
>   etc...
> Page B
> When I am in page B (or one of it's children) I wish to show it's one level of
> children like so:
> Page A
> Page B
>   Child 1
>   Child 2
>   etc...
> Do you get the picture?
> I have a db with link url, id, parent id and title
> does any one know of a simple function or something to do this for one level?

I wrote the code below for a menu system like this on a recent project:


// declare class (s)elect (l)ist
class sl
  var $query;
  var $result;
  var $row;
  function set_query($new_value)
$this->query = $new_value;
// create object (c)ategory (s)elect (l)ist
$csl = new sl();
// create object (s)ubcategory (s)elect (l)ist
$ssl = new sl();
// set query for object csl to display main categories
$csl->set_query("SELECT ID, Name FROM Categories WHERE ParentID=0");
$csl->result = mysql_query($csl->query);
// display the menu
while ($csl->row = mysql_fetch_array($csl->result))
  if ($csl->row["ID"] == $MainCatID)
echo("" .
  "" .
  $csl->row["Name"] . "\n");
// set query for object (s)ubcategory (s)elect (l)ist
$ssl->set_query("SELECT ID, Name, ParentID FROM Categories " .
  "WHERE ParentID=$MainCatID");
$ssl->result = mysql_query($ssl->query);
// display subcategories (submenu)
while ($ssl->row = mysql_fetch_array($ssl->result))
  $ParentCatID = $ssl-row["ParentID"];
  $ChildCatID = $ssl->row["ID"];
  if ($ssl->row["ID"] == $SubCatID)
echo("" .
  "" .
  $ssl->row["Name"] . "\n");
echo("" .
  "" .
  $ssl->row["Name"] . "\n");
  // finish main category display
echo("" .
  "" .
  $csl->row["Name"] . "\n");


Main menu categories have a ParentID assignment of 0 in the db. A select is
done of all ID & Name in the Categories table where ParentID=0. The menu is
displayed with names linked to recalling the script and passing the variable
$MainCatID -- the ID of the category. When the script is called with
$MainCatID set (when a main menu category is selected), the menu name with
ID matching $MainCatID is assigned a style class to distinguish visually
that it's selected. Also at this point another selection is done from
Categories where ParentID=$MainCatID, thus creating the list of
subcategories for the selected main category. The subcategories are also
displayed with links back to the script passing the variable $MainCatID
again plus the variable $SubCatID. When the script is called with $SubCatID
set, the submenu name with ID equal to $SubCatID is also class-styled to
indicate the selection.

The main page display (in this case for a products catalog) is generated by
other selection queries based on $MainCatID and $SubCatID.

Lowell Allen

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Re: [PHP] Nested Menu Help

2002-06-22 Thread Jason Wong

On Friday 21 June 2002 17:12, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> When I am in page A (or one of it's children) I wish to show it's one level
> of children like so:
> Page A
>   Child 1
>   Child 2
>   etc...
> Page B
> When I am in page B (or one of it's children) I wish to show it's one level
> of children like so:
> Page A
> Page B
>   Child 1
>   Child 2
>   etc...
> Do you get the picture?
> I have a db with link url, id, parent id and title
> does any one know of a simple function or something to do this for one
> level?

Have a look here:

There are a number of classes which deals with these tree menus.

Jason Wong -> Gremlins Associates ->
Open Source Software Systems Integrators
* Web Design & Hosting * Internet & Intranet Applications Development *

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RE: [PHP] Nested Menu Help

2002-06-22 Thread César Aracena

I found a way of doing this in order to show the “home” button when
browsing the site, but not when seeing the home page. What I do, is to
set two menus like this:
If ($browse == ‘yes’)
page 1
page 2
page 3
Notice how the links to other pages have the browse=yes set. You could
do something like this by building two menus (A and B) so PHP will read
something like browse=a or browse=b and fetch the right buttons from the
DB using different queries.
I know there must be an easier way, but so far, this is what I came with
which suites my needs very well.
-Original Message-
Sent: Friday, June 21, 2002 6:13 AM
Subject: [PHP] Nested Menu Help
When I am in page A (or one of it's children) I wish to show it's one
level of children like so:
Page A
  Child 1
  Child 2
Page B
When I am in page B (or one of it's children) I wish to show it's one
level of children like so:
Page A
Page B
  Child 1
  Child 2
Do you get the picture?
I have a db with link url, id, parent id and title
does any one know of a simple function or something to do this for one
I have tried and sort of failed 3 times. And before I keep trying I
thought I would ask this group
JJ Harrison

[PHP] Nested Menu Help

2002-06-22 Thread webmaster

When I am in page A (or one of it's children) I 
wish to show it's one level of children like so:
Page A
  Child 1

  Child 2

Page B
When I am in page B (or one of it's children) I 
wish to show it's one level of children like so:

Page A

Page B

  Child 1

  Child 2

Do you get the picture?
I have a db with link url, id, parent id and 
does any one know of a simple function or something 
to do this for one level?
I have tried and sort of failed 3 times. And before 
I keep trying I thought I would ask this group

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