Hi all,

Ok. Here is a code that I'm studying:

class Connection extends PDO {
        private $dsn = 'mysql:dbname=testes;host=';
        private $user = 'root';
        private $password = '';
        public $handle = null;

   function __construct( ) {
        try {
          if ( $this->handle == null ) {
                $dbh = parent::__construct( $this->dsn , $this->user ,
$this->password );
                $this->handle = $dbh;
                return $this->handle;

Can I replace this part:
$dbh = parent::__construct( $this->dsn , $this->user , $this->password );
        $this->handle = $dbh;
          return $this->handle;

By this: (?)
$this->handle = parent::__construct( $this->dsn , $this->user ,
$this->password );

And put a return on my getHandler method? 

If so, is there any special reason that we should know about using a
structure like this?
$dbh = parent::__construct( $this->dsn , $this->user , $this->password );
        $this->handle = $dbh;
        return $this->handle;

Thanks a lot,

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