Hi Steven,

Thanks a lot for answering. Have you uploaded files successfully with the
GET method? I was wondering if the problem may be because I submit the form
to itself and not to another PHP page. All the examples I see, the form gets
submitted to a different php page.

The strange thing in my case is that the problem is erratic, it happens to a
reduced number of users on my website but most of them are able to upload
files succcessfully. But I have asked the users who have had the problems to
see what browsers, versions they're using, but I have not been able to find
a connection regarding the problem.

I am going crazy with this, since I am not able to reproduce the error
myself so I cannot make any tests whatsoever. In my computer it works fine,
I just wished it worked in all the others!!!

If you find any information regarding the problem please let me know. I will
do the same.

Do you think may be I should try the GET method instead of the POST method?

Thanks again, Sandra

----- Original Message -----
From: "Steven Sullivan" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Sunday, November 11, 2001 10:56 AM
Subject: [PHP] Re: UPLOADING BLUES: Empty form variables when uploading

> Sandra,
> I've been trying to get a file upload form to work, but am not having any
> success. So, I dropped the file part from the form, leaving just text
> and have discovered that when I use the POST method, my variables may or
> not be available on the receiving page. GET works fine. I've tried using
> HTTP_POST_VARS and ..._RAW_..., but both are empty. The variables simply
> not come through every time. I am running the latest version of Apache
> (1.3.x, not 2.x) and PHP 4.0.6. I've been unable to find any information
> this problem.
>  - Steven Sullivan
> _______________________________
> "Sandra Rascheli" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> 004601c16982$53bf8590$706223c8@srascheli">news:004601c16982$53bf8590$706223c8@srascheli...
> Hi everybody,
> I hope someone is able to help me with this, I've been having this problem
> for  a couple of months now and I have not been able to find a solution. I
> have a form to upload a file which submits to itself, and has two submit
> buttons, one called "eliminarfoto" (deletephoto) and "salvar" (savephoto),
> but for some weird and unexplainable reason (it only happens to some
> not all of them) when they hit any of these two submit buttons, the form
> returns empty variables.
> This is part of my script, has anybody had a similar problem before??? Any
> help would be greatly appreciated.
>  <SNIP>
> --
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