PHP Journal is a new, quarterly technical publication focused on all
things PHP. The first issue of PHPJ is scheduled for publication in
January 2003, and features a great line-up of columns (that will appear
in every issue) and feature stories, all written by experienced PHP
developers and authors. If you want to know more about the content of
the journal, check our Web site (, which is just
starting to take shape. Watch for subscription information between now
and January.

One of the regular columns in PHPJ is called "Out in the Open," and
it's dedicated to getting PHP community news out to the community. For
example, do you run a PHP user group and want to invite others to
attend? Are you writing a book about PHP, or are you already published?
Have you release a new PEAR module or PHP application that you'd like
to share with others? If it's about PHP, we want to hear about it.

If you'd like your announcement to appear in "Out in the Open", please
send your announcement in the the following format to [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

Title (what are you announcing)
Brief description (50 words of less)
URL (for more information)

We are happy to receive product announcements, press releases, and
blurbs from individuals and groups. Entries will be edited for grammar
and space, and not every announcement can run do to space constraints
in the printed version of the magazine.

We look forward to hearing from you!

Martin Streicher
Editor, PHP Journal

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