I installed PHP/Apache/MySQL via the Red Hat installation process (7.2), but
Apache isn't processing PHP files, they show up as plain text in the
browser. I checked with the FAQ and related documentation which said to
ensure that the AddModule and LoadModule directives where there and not
commented out. They are there, although they are within <IfDefine HAVE_PHP>
tags. When I followed the path the modules are supposed to be in
(modules/mod_php.so for example), I discovered there were no php modules in
/etc/httpd/modules, nor any other place on my system (after a find...).

Why were these modules not installed? What should I do? I tried to build
from the source, but then I got some error after ./configure that says lex
command not found. What's lex?


Ender Technology
Websites, Database Applications, Hosting
(310) 516-7411

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