At 2:11 PM +1000 16/4/02, Brad Hubbard wrote:
>On Tue, 16 Apr 2002 14:01, Manuel Lemos did align ASCII characters thusly:
>> Probably the fastest way to keep session profile information is by
>> serializing the data array into a string that will be encrypted and then
>> stored in cookie. The security weakness of this method is that if the
>> secret key leaks, hackers may use to forge new sessions.
>Is this documented anywhere?

What aspect of it do you want to see documentation for?


I also have a bookmark to:
I recall that site has a link to a security study of high-profile
sites and their insecure use of cookies. But the site is not
reachable from here at present.

>> A more secure but eventually less scalable method is to store the
>> session data in a shared memory cache, so you minimize database accesses
>> to just one after the server is restarted. This is probably the one you
>> want to use as long you know how to deal with shared memory and
>> semaphores.
>Is this documented anywhere?

What aspect of it do you want to see documentation for?

PHPLIB has session management via shared memory. I believe it's
a little flaky, but certainly a good start.

>My understanding was that htaccess authentication was more secure that
>session based because of the porblems of session hijacking???

Aah, but does it scale? And do you want to run SSL for all page views?


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