Hello Lukas,

Lukas Smith wrote:
> I also would like to hear if anyone uses Metabase with using the API in
> metabase_interface.php .. if there are not many people using it then all
> then I can safely modify the method names and parameters orders in the
> new DB class and make the same changes to metabase_interface.php.

I think that most people use that because that is what always existed,
so as long as you keep the Metabase* functions working as they do today,
what you change inside may not affect many people, but you need at least
to take a poll before you can come to any conclusions. I suggest that
you add a poll to Metabase mailing list using eGroups poll facilities.

> FYI: there has been a lot of discussion about this project in the last
> couple months (especially december irrc) on the pear-dev mailinglist. So
> some questions might allready be answered there.

>From what I read lately I could not come to any conclusion. It seemed
that most people were in favour except for Tomas that said he would not
use it if I got him right.

My opinion is that you should hear a clear yes or no answer from
somebody in charge of PEAR organization before you have a go, or else
you may be wasting your time working on something based on expectations
that may not exactly be what you think.

I think that the greatest point of the merger is to have one and only
one abstraction layer in PEAR, not one API with two implementations. So,
I think it is maybe better to wait for PEAR administration elections so
you can get a definitive yes or no answer on what you plan to do before
you have a go.

Manuel Lemos

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